Wird mir das Geld für meine Paketfrankierung erstattet, wenn das Paket nicht angenommen wird?

(z.B. weil es unförmig ist)

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1 year ago

Will the money be refunded for my parcel handling if the package is not accepted? (e.g. because it is not shaped)

Nee, you’ll have to pay for bulk goods.

1 year ago

Each shipping company has the most accurate packaging policies on its WEB page.

For example:


If you don’t stick to it, it’s your problem.

1 year ago

Why would someone ask you?

You are responsible for the right packaging as a consignor.
If the transport company accepts the package and has nothing to complain about. The recipient does not want to accept it.

It’s clear to you.

1 year ago
Reply to  LEXAHD

Once you have accepted a package, go to a DHL mail store. You go to the switch and say “I want to send this package” if the employee at the switch says “we don’t send it, because too inconsistent” then you don’t pay for it yet.

If you have glued a value mark yourself to the package because you had one at home or you have printed one online. Then it is still your responsibility to pack the package properly. Then you should be informed beforehand.

ignorance does not protect against punishment.

1 year ago

God you’re stupid.
Help, it’s really going to end with humanity.

1 year ago

Are you heavy on your own or are you supposed to dance??

You go to the branch, or tomorrow, and tell them

“I was (day, date, if necessary) Time, here and have delivered a package. Then I was told by the employee (maybe you still know his appearance) I can send it that way. Now it has been told that it cannot be sent further because it is inconsistent.”

Apparently, it’s very hard for you to get on your own

1 year ago

Then you don’t get dressed like the goat in the milk bucket.

You go and tell them on site. Why is everything so hard in life?

1 year ago

Why? You should be able to pack it so that it has a suitable shape.

1 year ago
Reply to  LEXAHD

This answers your question and is not a comment. If you are not able to pack the package correctly, you are your own fault. I can’t do it if you don’t like this answer.

1 year ago

Yes. As I said, I can’t do anything about it if the answer “Why should someone reimburse you money due to your own inability” doesn’t like it.

1 year ago

No, you’re in the duty to inform you what franking fits.

1 year ago
Reply to  LEXAHD

Can you read?

you are in the duty to inform you in advance what franking fits.