Wird meine Schwester mehr geliebt?
Ich habe eine ältere Schwester
Sie wird zu nichts gezwungen was sie nicht will. Ich werde aber gezwungen Violinunterricht zu besuchen.
Jetzt sind meine Eltern und meine Schwester in den Urlaub gefahren, ich bin aber bei meiner Oma geblieben. Sie glauben meiner Schwester mehr als mir, obwohl meine Schwester was anstellt. Ich werde auch angeschrien und auf den Nacken voll gehauen. Sie wird aber nicht Mal angeschrien. Mir wird auch gesagt das ich Pickel habe, obwohl meine Schwester sich sehr komisch anzieht. Bei Feiern reden meine Eltern was meine Schwester geschafft hat, und das ich ein dummer junge bin der außer boxen und scheiße bauen nichts mehr im Kopf hat.
Good evening,
You should change your environment or at least remove something from your parents. Sometimes I feel like I’m loved less than my sister, because there’s a lot to say. When I addressed it, the answer came: “How can you think that? We love you exactly the same, etc.” You might ask why you sometimes give me blows on the neck and my sister won’t even yell, even though she makes mistakes. I’m constantly listening, as you say, I have so many pimples that I can’t change. But my sister gets dressed so badly and you don’t say anything. What do you think I think? Then I’d watch the situation. Did you tell your grandma? What does she say? For grandparents are mostly on the side of the grandchildren. I’m so sorry for you, I wish you a lot of strength. Maybe you could talk to the phone care for the emergency. I don’t know if you’re still going to school. If so, you could contact a trust teacher.
Good luck.
You did something about it
More than more often do not really ask. At a time I did much more with friends so I was little with my mother and after a time she meant herself, stay home more often, you miss etc. Please don’t let you talk small. You’re perfect as you are, whether pimples or not. You don’t see the most valuable and your character.♥️
Beautiful words when they are meant
You called the questioner a good opportunity
You could also use it, I hope it brings something
Or is everything okay now and I got something wrong?
First of all you have a very bad environment
Especially this psychic and physical violence is a great no go
That your parents prefer to have your sister than you might be suspected
Your environment urgently needs to change into positive
What do you want to do timlol
We’re being asked. So questions are unnecessarily sorry.
You don’t
All right
I mean you
What did you think I mean
I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to happen.
Did you mean me?
I just wanted to help
But how you want
I accept it