Wird man wenn völlig autonom fahrende Autos zugelassen werden dafür noch einen Führerschein brauchen?
oder würde da eine technische Beratung exakt für den Autotyp reichen. Evtl. insg. 4 Stunden. Die das dann bestätigt in irgend einem Schein. Dein Schein also nur zum Führen dieses einen Modells dann gültig wäre.
If there are truly autonomous vehicles that reliably master any situation in the traffic, without human intervention, no driving licence will be required.
Very likely yes. There will always be a person who can intervene.
It has a lot to do with ethics. That’s why I think I’m going a lot.
Then it wouldn’t be completely autonomous.
Whether you need a driver’s license in the future to use fully autonomous driving cars is still unclear. There are currently no clear rules or regulations that state whether a driving licence will be required to drive a completely autonomous driving car.
Some experts believe that a driving licence may no longer be required in the future, as the technology of autonomous cars will be so advanced that it can safely master almost any kind of road situation. However, others believe that a driving licence will continue to be required to ensure that the drivers are still able to take the car manually in case of emergency.
It is important to note that the regulation of autonomous cars is still in the beginnings and it will take several years to be fully approved and available. It is therefore difficult to predict how the rules and regulations for the use of autonomous cars will look in the future.
you could then ban the non-guided license owners in the non-autonomous operation, and police will check this on routine control where the “guide certificate” or “autonomous-bedieungsschein” is presented. he has to call the driver. ADAC or something.
If a car were completely autonomous, it is like taxi (riding) or railing. Only for the operation of the entertainment system and the target input does it not need a ticket.
However, this is certainly still very long. The technology currently only ensures assistance. There are legal problems, because who is responsible if something happens. The car manufacturer, the software developer, a state insurance or the vehicle owner?
No, whatever. Probably they don’t even have a steering wheel.
yes, even parking would not be on ban areas — unlike many people with driving license and “normal” cars
Well, that’s how man is the biggest danger and trouble factor when driving.
But that would be very impractical if you had to arrange in or to your own garage. Where I live, I would have to paint the whole farm asphalted and corresponding strips in the case. Otherwise the car would be absolutely overwhelmed.
At present, the driver should continue to be responsible for driving autonomous cars when an accident occurs 😀
what is actually crawling… because then he would have to drive completely concentrated, he doesn’t want that. then he doesn’t need an autonomous tax.
Right. It’s just nonsense. But neither vehicle manufacturers nor the state want to pay for the damage to the such great autonomous vehicles.
Unrealistic, there won’t be. Much too expensive in implementation and the charging losses are extreme, that is not worth it.
What would the state have?
and for the sprite problem highways with induction current. And of course, only electric cars 🙂 even with less than 100km range would then be able to go anywhere in D… even 2000km in the piece. If you have to recharge, you just have to drive a highway again.
At the latest, I guess I won’t be able to drive 260 km/h. But good, you have the right to Oldtimer in D. Still. Once again, I ordered a beautiful burner, he must now hold as a second car 🙂
No… because that makes the software 🙂 wherever it is slow, it will be perfect. Damage will only occur if the software could not control so fast. — but then a normal driver would have done just as wrong.
Maybe there are cars only in the subscription, instead of insurance, an expensive autonomous subscription fee is due, which pays the damage. Just when parking, thousands of rims are scratched, per day.
will be nicely expensive then
This, of course, must take over the insurance companies 🙂 and they will be happy because they will spend much less than on non-autonomous vehicles.