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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

CBD is not considered psychoactive. Although traces of the psychoactive THC are also contained in the so-called CBD gras, these are too small to act large.

By the way, this does not really have a legal advantage in Germany. Listen to this lawyer.

CBD – legal or illegal? Risks for shop operators and buyers

2 years ago

The wiki article throws another light on the legal situation:

CBD-containing foods may also be purchased freely.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Un1kQ

CBD as an isolated substance is not a problem.

Relevant when it comes to flowers, this set is here:

The Bundesgerichtshof in March 2021, the sale of CBD bags to end customers could be legal, but only if it was ensured that no one would dare.

2 years ago

Google “Bundesgerichtshof zu CBD, Pressemitteilung)

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

This is Prohibition Logic – Error 404.

Shave aside. The thing is that even small amounts of THC are in such flowers. The logic is that one could extract the THC to obtain relevant quantities for the noise. The fact that, in comparison to “normal” grass, at least the 50-fold of material is required, which is completely bullshit from an economic point of view and against the background of the quasi-ubiquitous availability of “normal” grass is not interested in legal speech.

Nutmeg is probably not relevant enough to limit handling as a drug. Could be that the use is so dangerous that – as my impression – only young people try to deal with drugs for the first time and see what you can get legally.

You’ve added your text now. That is to sell and buy CBD oil or for the e-cigarette is no problem?


2 years ago

You’ve added your text now. That is to sell and buy CBD oil or for the e-cigarette is no problem?

2 years ago

I do not understand the logic behind it, as the BGH came to when CBD-containing foods are allowed, and it could also be intoxicated by extraction. Even nutmeg can look intoxicating….

2 years ago

The body becomes more relaxed what in my case my psyche relaxes, no more

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  PistazienQueen

In healthy people, probably a placebo effect.

2 years ago

I have a very strong placebo effect and I am all but psychologically healthy

2 years ago

Waste of money for healthy people, for epileptics etc.

In addition, CBD is illegal…

2 years ago

No, that’s the joke. Otherwise they shouldn’t sell it.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Heusnapper

Otherwise they shouldn’t sell it.

I don’t think you should. It’s just gonna be done. What regularly leads to raids.

2 years ago

Yeah, yeah, it’s a gray zone, I broke down a bit. But it is clear that it would be 100% illegal if there were enough THC for a noise.

Thus, it is a grey zone because it is legal from the active substance content, but flowers may only be used for the production of oils and the like because of the risk of confusion.

2 years ago

It is not a “gray zone” but unambiguous: flowers and heaps must not be sold even if the THC content is below 0.2%.
Google “Federal Court for CBD, Press Release”

2 years ago


2 years ago

No, it’s like getting drunk with alcohol-free beer