Wird man es merken?
Mein Kollege hat sich gestern ne 701 geholt, hat aber den entsprechenden Führerschein noch nicht. Er hat den A1 und ist jetzt auf die grandiose Idee gekommen, sein Kennzeichen von seiner 125er auf die 701 zu montieren und damit rum zu fahren. Wie stehen die Chancen, dass jemand es merkt? Wird man es überhaupt merken?
Driving without the corresponding driving licence, and then driving without insurance cover, including obvious insurance fraud and tax evasion (because the vehicle has not been registered and no motor vehicle tax is paid for)….
It’ll be expensive. And he can write off his appearance for some time.
Even the sound of 700ccm is a clear sign that there are no 125ccm. You have to be deaf to not notice the difference. This occurs in any routine traffic control.
Yeah, you will. Your friend is punishable and can forget the driver’s license.
§ 21 StVG, Driving without driving licence
(1) With imprisonment up to a year or with a fine is punished, who
1. a motor vehicle, although it does not have the necessary driving licence or the driver of the vehicle according to § 44 of the Criminal Code or according to § 25 this law is prohibited, or
2. as a holder of a motor vehicle, or allows someone to guide the vehicle which does not have the required driving licence or to which the vehicle is guided according to § 44 of the Criminal Code or according to § 25 this law is prohibited.
§ 22 StGB, license abuse
(1) Who is in unlawful intention
1. a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle trailer for which an official identification number has not been issued or approved shall be provided with a sign capable of indicating the appearance of official identification;
2. a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle trailer having a marking other than that officially issued or approved for the vehicle;
3. the official identification number attached to a motor vehicle or trailer shall be changed, eliminated, covered or otherwise impaired in its recognizability, if the act is not threatened with serious punishment in other provisions, shall be punished with imprisonment up to one year or with a fine.
(2) The same penalty applies to persons who make use of a motor vehicle or a trailer on public roads or squares, of which they know that the marking in paragraph 1 No. 1 to 3 has been forged, falsified or suppressed.
What was that like with the not too bright candles on the cake?
I’d be careful. There are so-called intelligent cameras in the public space today, which not only scan the vehicle identifier and compare it with a database, but also check other features, such as the colour of the vehicle (e.g. on motorways such a system is used). If the colour of the recorded vehicle does not coincide with the color data in the database to the corresponding license plate, the system strikes an alarm. For example, car thieves have become more cautious today when they steal a license plate and attach it to an escape vehicle: they look at a stolen license plate from a vehicle that looks exactly the same as the escaped escape vehicle.
And of course, the chance is quite high to get caught. Just next week is again lightning marathon, and there will be intense traffic controls as I experienced in the news yesterday.
When you get caught, it doesn’t just give a bus money anymore, but you get a proper criminal procedure, i.e. you have to answer before the judiciary and any judge will be over the penalty. It will be very expensive and you will not be allowed to steer any more vehicles for a long time.
In addition, the vehicle at which the colleague wants to apply the license plate illegally does not have insurance protection. If you do an accident, the liability insurer can take Regress against you. In the end, it means that you will be sentenced to bear all damage to foreign vehicles and persons financially. Several thousand to ten thousand euros can quickly come together in an accident.
But you’d have to pay everything if you’re on the road without a driver’s license, wouldn’t you? The insurance does not matter anymore 🤣
For the first sentence, in the previous section concerning the occurrence of an existing insurance for the damage to your own vehicle: if you only had a liability insurance, the insurance company may take Regress, up to EUR 5000. If you have a part or full insurance, the insurance may reduce the benefits in case of intent or gross negligence, but not completely refuse. Attention: It is sometimes quite different from abroad, so you should always clarify exactly what happens in the event of an accident. There are countries that do not know the upper limit for the regression.
Normally, it is certain that the insurance will not pay you any benefits. The question is still what happens to the other party that was unindebtedly involved in an accident caused by you, e.g., a motorist, whom you have a insured persons Motorcycle, but without the necessary driver’s license, are bounced to the rear. For the damaged party, it makes a difference whether you basically had a liability insurance or whether the vehicle was not insured at all.
If your vehicle is insured, your liability insurance will definitely have to pay the entire damage to the injured party; the insurance will, however, take regression afterwards and ask you to repay this amount of damage. Often the problem is that the accident victim is not at all able to pay the damage, at least not in full. If you drive a Porsche to the rear, the property damage is quickly several tens of thousands of euros, often as much as someone deserves throughout the year. In addition to a criminal trial, there is also a civil process on you; However, the insurance primarily carries a relatively high risk here, as it has to pay the sum for the damage regulation to the injured person, but cannot be sure that the accident victim of the insurance can repay the damage. In many cases the insurance will remain on the (financial) damage.
However, if your motorcycle was not insured at all, there is no liability insurance that can take over the harmed person. In this case, the injured person is at risk of having to bear the entire damage or a large part of it himself, unless he had fully covered his vehicle. Under certain circumstances, the damage to the services of the transport victim (https://www.transportopferhilfe.de/) in such a case.