Wird man eingewiesen wenn man mit Absicht nix mehr essen will?

Wird man eigentlich eingewiesen wenn man mit Absicht nichts mehr essen will und sich somit versucht umzubringen?

Oder ist das egal?

Und wenn man sich selbstverletzt dann auch oder eher weniger?

Habe eine gesetzliche Betreuung die mich auch einweisen darf deswegen die fragen

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1 month ago

Yes will be admitted at some point when there is no EGAL, it is about living and dead.

1 month ago
Reply to  malteser55

Thanks for the star Linda, please come to other better beautiful thoughts, there is always solution for all the problems, except the natural die,the high because of head.We will always be happy to help you.Lg

1 month ago

In the case of absolute suspensiveness, it is conceivable that at some point there is an instruction/evident force-feeding. At svv unlikely. Svv is usually not suicidal then you usually have no instruction to fear. It would be necessary to repeatedly have life-threatening injuries to be rejected. And this is also a reason

1 month ago

If you intentionally eat nothing more to hurt yourself or endanger your life, it can be that you are put into a clinic. Especially if you have legal care, this can cause this. Doctors or other professionals decide when they realize you’re serious.

In self-infringement, it depends on how bad it is. If you are so severely hurt that your life is in danger or you are no longer alone, it can happen that you are being rejected. If it’s not that bad, it usually doesn’t happen immediately, but you can still be offered help.

1 month ago

If there is a risk of self- or alienation, you can be admitted. Intent to eat until you starve, you can already consider yourself a danger. But I strongly recommend that you get medical help if you’re so sad that you want to refuse food. It could also help you talk to someone you trust.

1 month ago

Once it’s self-threatening, you’ll be in the car.

1 month ago

What are you doing before Linda

1 month ago
Reply to  Linda241996

Please get help, that’s alive despite all this is nice, you’re being helped.

1 month ago
Reply to  Linda241996

Stop it. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ, he will help you.

1 month ago

Forget your God with such an acute hurly fall manno. 🙁

1 month ago

Yes, God can help you. Just have to try it instead of thinking so negative

1 month ago

What do you mean?

1 month ago

Instead of questioning if you are instructed, you should ask yourself better why you want to starve to death or hurt yourself.

I think with such an attitude someone is long ago mature for the psychiatry.

1 month ago
Reply to  Linda241996

Oh, and that you would destroy material that belong to others doesn’t bother you? Apart from the fact that death by burning is extremely painful…

I don’t understand why your therapist doesn’t tell you. You’ve long been ripe for the psychiatry because you’re threatening you and others.

Best of all, you have yourself!

1 month ago

Then call tomorrow at the shelter or someone else who can take care of him. What you want is nonsense. You need help and are no longer able to assess your condition correctly!

1 month ago

Then call her or call her at the clinic and ask for admission.

1 month ago

Depends on whether it becomes life-threatening, then.
Asking this question is not nice. Talk to someone about it.

1 month ago

Google times “Force Nutrition”. Mostly succeeds in the nose probes.

SvV and suicide attempt are two pairs of shoes.