Wird irgendwann die Weiterentwicklung bei Technik aufhören?

Mit Technik ist hier gemeint: Handys, PC, Laptops, Bildschirme, Fernseher, Tablets, Kameras usw.

Ist irgendwann die Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung solcher Technik ausgereizt?

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2 years ago

The further development itself will always be present. Only one will always encounter boundaries of the existing technology. How, for example, these slowly show up in microelectronics. The structure widths are becoming smaller and smaller, but this is also approaching the border so slowly.

2 years ago

Of the things we know today, certainly, at least that the innovations make even more sense. But there are always completely new inventions that will replace our technology. For example, typewriters, at the end of their era they were already quite irritated, but then computers came. Certainly there would have been a lot of things about the extra functions, but the principle of typewriter was quite developed.

2 years ago

There will be no end, you will still be able to build an even smaller, faster, more efficient processor.

2 years ago

It’ll never stop. Maybe only small things, but with immense value.