Wird irgendwann die Medizin so weit sein dass es KEINE behinderte Kinder mehr auf die Welt kommen?

Wenn ihr selbst Kinder gebt, versteht ihr sicher dass es die größte Angst ist die man in der Schwangerschaft und das erste Jahr hat.

Ich bin leider verwandschaftsbedingt betroffen wegen geistiger Behinderung und habe natürlich gesehen wie schlimm das ist für Frauen wenn sie ein geistig behindertes Kind bekommen.

Ich habe deswegen meine ganzen Schwangerschaften total Angst gehabt, habe natürlich auch nipt machen lassen (eine Blutuntersuchung zum DNA untersuchen), Ferndiagnostik usw habe alle Werte immer gefragt und durch internet verglichen ob das passt kopfumfang, hirnvertikel, Größe vom kleinhirn usw. Aus Angst mir würde dieses schreckliche Schicksal auch treffen wie meine Verwandte. Ich hatte Glück meine kinder sibd alle gesund. Aber trotzdem wegen Angst konnte ich die Schwangerschaften nie richtig genießen.

Jetzt aktuell mit dem Fall der in den Medien immer gezeigt wird wo ein behindertes Kind von zuhause weggelaufen und vermutlich ertrunken ist. Denkt man natürlich wieder darüber nach und überlegt was wenn mich sowas getroffen hätte?!

Ich frage mich wird irgendwann in der Zukunft möglich sein geistige Behinderungen in der Schwangerschaft festzustellen, also alle oder wird es in 100 Jahren immer noch solche böse Überraschungen geben nach der Geburt und schlimme Schicksale?

Ist es möglich dass man in Zukunft sofort Gewissheit haben kann dass alles in Ordnung ist und wenn nicht abtreiben? Wenn es so wäre hätte es mir viele Monate Stress und Sorge genommen.

Was denkt ihr?

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10 months ago

will there still be such evil surprises in 100 years after birth and bad fates?

No prenatal diagnosis will ever be 100% correct and can cover all events.

The only possibility that already exists: pre-implantation diagnosis in artificial fertilization.

And yet you can’t completely exclude all life risks.

Problemless pregnancies end up in premature or dead births.

Completely normal developed children suffer from cancer with two years.

Also mentally healthy children can run away and drown in neighbor’s garden pond or be passed over by the car.

had it taken for many months

You just did the stress yourself. And that, even though you have used all the diagnostic possibilities that exist – and all this could not calm you down anyway.

For example, I did not leave the NIPT in any of my pregnancy (although I am significantly older) and did not give up the hostage diagnosis.

Speaking of NIPT: I hope you’ve been informed that the test result is all the less meaningful, the younger the pregnant woman is.

Instead, I have always trusted that serious malformations would certainly also occur in normal ultrasound – and I can stem the rest.

In the end, one does not say about pregnant women for free, they would be “good hope”. This describes my condition in both pregnancy.

Anecdote: my cousin was told at the second child that her child would be 80% severely disabled (feel formations of the kidney etc.). She decided against abortion and was born a completely normal baby.

Saying it is an enrichment is just selfish and shows that you have no plan.

This is your own experience. I also experience this in the acquaintance.

Those who get consciously disabled are in my eyes egoists who can’t get abortion.

I find a difficult statement. First, children always get selfish and secondly you can easily say “I would definitely…” if you were never in the situation.

I was lucky my children sibd all healthy

That’s great. But also disabled or mentally restricted children are healthy.

Anyway, I think you have to find a balance as parents between “make reasoned worries” and “unfounded stress”. It doesn’t help the child if I’m helicoptering around it as soon as it climbs higher than five centimeters.

I hope you’re more relaxed than pregnant as a mother of two children.

10 months ago

Is it possible that you can immediately have certainty in the future that everything is okay and if you don’t run away?

Your attitude is just disgusting! Do you want to say that disabled people have no right to live and be driven away? A disabled child is certainly not easy, but your attitude that a child must be perfect to live, I find really sick.

And what do you want to do with the kids who get a little wrong at birth? It may occur, for example, that the child is mentally impeded by lack of oxygen at birth. Do you want to kill the child after birth?

I just hope you don’t offend your child, it should be obstructed by an accident or become a care case.

10 months ago

I have personally experienced it and read numerous biographies to say that disabled children are not burdened by many families, but are an enrichment as a whole.

10 months ago

There is a lot to do, but can you ethically be responsible for exterminating the “unlife values”?

Do you even know anyone who has Down syndrome?

Have you seen the joy of life he has? And the kindness that he lets man come?

I couldn’t take a kid off, and if I knew I’d spend such a disabled child, I’d be exposed to the pressure from doctors, family, friends… to drive off the child because he’s producing so many costs to society.

I had 2 miscarriages myself! I was sad, of course, but I accepted that not all children are viable!

But decide who is to live or not is to play God!

I don’t want to be a murderer!

10 months ago

You know, however, that even the birth itself can cause disability, right? So Dmit did your question.

Of course, you will be able to reduce various risks in 100 years – but you never get to 0.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

Then triple the risk for the mother at/after birth and increase the risk of the child that it later develops allergies or diabetes. But hey, everyone really needs to know. And that won’t change in 100 years.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

Especially imperial cuts pose risks.

10 months ago

That’s great of you. I look completely different and find this view especially extremely selfish towards existing children. But, as I said, everyone really needs to know.

10 months ago

I also informed myself, so I know that the risks are high by a Sectio.

10 months ago

Even if that were possible, the child can still get a disability in the course of his life.

Apart from the fact that not every disability can be recognized during pregnancy.

Anyone who knows about a inheritable disability can of course choose for or against their own children.

10 months ago

What do you do if one of your children is mentally or physically disabled by an accident or illness?

Get lost?

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

With your attitude you would have been more popular a few decades ago than now.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

You would like to avoid that there are disabled people or have I misunderstood?

10 months ago

Quite disrespectful, contempt-limiting commentary to subdue parents egoism when deciding for their disabled child, because their parental love is not or falls with the child’s health restrictions.

10 months ago

Your statements are funny. Of course you should avoid that. no person who is disabled finds this beautiful.

10 months ago

It’s now cash. By the way, I’m just pregnant and I’m glad I can just love no matter what comes.

10 months ago

The nip is, by the way, a cash flow.

Since you have your healthy children, you can leave to all future mothers whether they want to raise and love a child with restrictions or not.

10 months ago

Disabled people have the same right of life as you.

You don’t have to think just because you came to the world with a healthy body that you’re a little better.

And that you have the right to determine the life or death of other people.

People with evil will are much worse than disabled and sick people.

10 months ago


“Medizin” not (Lk.8,43),

but He (Rev.22,1-3).

10 months ago

from the feeling I say no.

the only thing you can do is not bring the children to the world, but you have to kill many in your stomach.

10 months ago

USA Already experimented with “design babies” from the catalogue…

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

Maybe some want to run off immediately because the child is not ‘perfect’.

There are many disabilities with which a readable life is possible. A child is a child whether mentally disabled or not.

10 months ago

Under her old account “DiDaArEl97”, she demanded the destruction of mentally impaired people.

How sick can you actually be…. I just have tears in my eyes.

10 months ago

The questioner postes here with her 100. Account because it regularly announces its xenophobia and is therefore blocked.

Under her old account “DiDaArEl97”, she demanded the destruction of mentally impaired people.

10 months ago

I think it’s exaggerated that you’re getting into this topic. You have healthy children and if your children will get children who hopefully also be healthy but to flatter a child with mental disabilities should not be born no matter what kind and extent I find cruel, disturbed and more like next.

10 months ago

No, that’s not true. There are so many different and so many expressions. Just let people live and their children get as the mothers keep it right no matter whether disabled or not. You don’t have to raise her, do you?

10 months ago

There are also many who are not bad at all!

10 months ago

No disabled children in the world. No. But healing the disability, I think so.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

Doesn’t matter. Nowadays you can help deaf people so they can hear again. It’s not for blind people. But it’s just a matter of time until that goes. And people who have been paralyzed can certainly help soon.The research is getting better and better.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sjrldhd

So what? You know the phan keys of the transversal dullies? Why should it be possible at some point? I find that more realistic than the exclusion under pregnancy