Wird Google zur einer KI?!?
Es gibt immer mehr HINWEISE darauf stimmt das? Die Hinweise sind:
- Zeitungen schreiben dafür sogar überregionale z.B süddeutsche Zeitung
- Google hat bereits eine KI
Meine Fragen sind:
- Was passiert mit den Websites?
- Was verdienen daran die Websites?
- Geht der Schuss nach hinten los?
You know what an AI is? A software that is good at recognizing patterns.
You know what a search engine is? A software that adds an index to all found websites and calls the user those pages that (probably) best suits the search terms specified by him
These results presented by the search engine can be more accurate when methods of the AI are used for searching the index.
But that’s why you’re not going to be an AI as a car, just because it has mature assistance systems.
They are still indexed.
Nothing. Why would they?
Google is not a AI. Google only now uses AI in many services.
Nowadays, “conventional” algorithms are often mistakenly stamped as AI.
Your additional questions are a little weird about the actual question.
Google uses AI in terms of the search engine in the form of analysis and not on active design of websites, which would also make no sense.
Websites benefit at most from good SEO optimization and the resulting better trackability.
Why would the shot go back? How?
But ask me if AI will ever be the way it was thought.
“But ask me if AI will ever become the way it was actually the thought.”
The idea was just that of artificial intelligence as it is just what you mean science fiction action Hollywood movies like iam robot or the creator.
You can wait for decades.
For computers not as long as for us
There’s no Common Sense.
Should AI be able to think/feel like a person or much more?
The human being consists of biochemical interactions. Since quantum mechanical effects may also occur and therefore there is no absolute determinism, it would therefore not be possible to develop such an intelligence with current systems.
I think such AI systems will have a different shape. In my opinion, the question of “ob” does not arise. Just a matter of time.
Depends on how I find it.
KI solves problems too. Just not like man. In addition, intelligence means learning and recognizing patterns.
It’s pretty good for today’s AI.
But that is now called AI.
And that’s actually wrong from the word.
This is a difficult question because we don’t even know what intelligence really is. The most common definition is the ability to solve problems.
An AI, such as ChatGPT, Gemini or others, are not really intelligent systems, but simply replicate data that have been fed into training.
This is called token casting. Basically, these systems consist of linear algebra and dies.
The funny thing is that even leading researchers do not know why this works so well at all.
What AI is that for?
So what AI is really intelligent?
That’s what happens. It’s basically a AI.
And, above all, be able to learn, so that you don’t have to program the whole world knowledge.
Google has always been an AI and it will be.
The problem is more that too many people are not aware of what AIs actually are – and then, if necessary, “Sense articles” to publish.
The basic idea of AI or its definition was different from what has become of it today.
Naja – The technical possibilities have expanded – i.e. the definition radius. That would be all. 😉
You obviously belong to this group of people.
The statement “Google” would be an AI is per se wrong and does not meet today.
Google uses AI within many products. But that was in no case “soever.”
One should not underestimate the potential of conventional algorithms.
And again an Ad Hominem Hampel – apparently never die.
AIs were already at C64 times and before – the question is Performance of AI less, OB it is one. That was the question.
You’ve been demonstrating exactly what I meant here. Thank you. Wouldn’t have been necessary. 🤷
How did this real intelligence eat?
That would mean you can put a robot in the wild or better in one and he would survive.
If one finds a solution how the robot feeds.
(Where a robot is not a living entity and therefore cannot simply feed on meat and water.)
Well, the basic idea of AI was that it will be capable of learning and you will not the whole world knowledge must be programmed.
We’re far from that.
If you had thought about it, you might have noticed that the “OB” decides how powerful an AI is.
Because if “Google” is not an AI, the question of efficiency does not arise.
According to this definition, each algorithm would be an AI.
It is clear that there was the first primitive AI system at that time.
But these have not yet been as important as analytical algorithms.
The boundaries are blurred by looking at the state of development at that time.
Google itself is not an AI, but Google has and has already been running many “KI’s”.
the copilot has been there for longer!