wird es irgendwann Normal das Jungs auch Leggings tragen?
Hey Leute, Mich interessiert schon lange dieses Thema. Können Jungs auch Leggings tragen so wie die Frauen / Mädels ich habe schon viele Mädels gefragt entweder sagen sie “ist mir egal oder es ist ein absolutes no go”
Wie denkt ihr darüber? ich denke mal es gibt Jungs die gerne Leggings Tragen wollen aber sich nicht trauen weil es nicht “normal” ist laut Gesellschaft
ich gehöre auch dazu und würde gerne Leggings tragen wollen ich habe eine neutrale Statur für meine große sogar eher zu dünn und ich finde Leggings Stehen mir Gut finde sie halt bequem und sehen gut aus.
wie denkt ihr darüber ?
Leggings are in the origin sportswear and intended for both sexes. Too many sports leggings are ideal even for boys. Only it’s currently fashionable to “abuse” sportswear such as leggings or jogging pants as leisure clothes. Most of the women’s world
The question is a bit older, but I still answer:
Whether it’s “normal” depends on society, but it should be normal for a long time, at least as it has long been in sports.
Feels the world speaks of nothing more than equality. It always means, yes, who can and should do it calmly – in the case of leggings – but if a man with sport leggings dares to go to the supermarket or to the park, then nasty looks are still harmless.
But unfortunately you read something similar as, for example, “If he wants to wear leggings as long as it is not my friend”.
It would be wrong to enforce it with the crushing rod, but more tolerance up to support is really necessary.
I myself am chubby, there is a legging visually not optimal, but hey, just in the case is a comfortable pants to wear but worth gold. (And before someone says a jogging pants do it too – why do girls wear a legging?)
Very well summarized I can always say yes but if you do it then it is so funny and so for others and you get negative comments
So it’s been a long time, it’s just the occasion. For sport, this is a lot and ne leggins is actually meant for it. The many women they’re looking for is another thing.
yes I would like to wear it in everyday life
What’s keeping you from it? At least you need some courage – done.
Then put it on, with a shorts you won’t notice. And the more often you wear it, the more normal” becomes
Just be sad. Every time wear it is more routined.
Was already running and after shopping with sports clothes there nothing happens, 99% of people don’t care what you wear
this is my problem “MUT”
You can wear leggings today as a boy and also as a standing man. I still wear leggings and nothing else today at my high age.
she would like to wear in everyday life 🙂
You can, but probably not to your work. But it’s always in leisure.
just wear it if you like it