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2 years ago

It is possible to have the services available on the account for the following month 1 or 2 days before the last bank working day of the month, but certainly not 10 days before.

The 28 February was a Tuesday when the current services had to be available on the account at the latest.

So if you had your current performance on the account before February before the last day of the bank work, then this should also be the case now, but then I would not count on the 20 or 22.03.2023, then more about the 30 or 31, which would be the last day of the bank work in March.

1 year ago
Reply to  isomatte

Thank you for your star!

2 years ago

I cannot confirm any of the two data.

When the transfer order is issued, it is not important.

Citizens’ money and social assistance must be on the account on the last bank working days.

2 years ago

When it was transferred, you cannot know as a recipient of payment.

If the money is on the account at the latest next week, everything is fine 🙂

2 years ago

I don’t know. But in your account it is not before 31.3.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicky315

25th was a Saturday