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Hallo muss für den Unterricht, die beiden Aufgaben bearbeiten und möchte fragen, ob mir jemand bitte dabei helfen kann. LG
Magma as fluid is not really static. Do I want to bristle the magma chamber of an active volcano and possibly contribute to a premature outbreak? And what if the chamber is deformed/shifted?
We have an alternative to this, it is called geothermal energy and is characterized by the fact that a sufficiently large proximity to magma is produced in corresponding regions in order to avoid the possible unfavourable effects and yet to use sufficient thermal energy.
Before removing such stunts, one should think more about how to significantly reduce the development costs of deep Goethermie.
Volcanoes can be drilled where there are volcanoes. Are they everywhere? The article says no word about what “energy directly from the Magma-Hitze” is supposed to mean technically concrete. It is also not in which the advantage over the long-established geothermal energy production is sufficient. The author drills an actually interesting research topic superficially and creates a little hot air.
People who give us some idea as “they” Presenting solution for our energy needs is usually quite low in content. What is needed is not “the” solution, but a variety of solutions because the tasks and the given conditions are different.
Once again, it had been thought to drill the Phlegrean fields and to cool off with water, tap the energy obtained from them. As a side effect to delay the outbreak.
But someone else can take care of this, I’ve got to get some wood to warm my bud.
PS: I don’t mean tapping the magma chamber, but just tapping off the heat. Could have bad consequences if there’s some water coming in.
However, I also believe that the heat tapping is going faster than waiting for nuclear fusion.
You should follow all the alternatives, evolve, I think. If, however, Magma-Hitze “klauen” does not produce “collateral damage” at some point, it would also be included.
All underground (oil, coal, …-winning also has more or less unsightly consequences.
The energy we need now, stupid wait until the KF works makes no sense.
The first wave power plant is running. We don’t need the fusion anymore.