Wird eine Vagina durch viel Sex oder durch möglichst wwnig Sex enger?
Person A sagt, viel Sex trainiert die Muskulatur und verengt die Vagina.
Person B sagt, wenn eine Frau keinen Sex hat, wird sie enger und viel Sex leiert die Vagina aus.
Wer hat denn jetzt Recht?
There’s nothing wrong with Beckenbodenmusculature. otherwise, after the first child, the sex life would no longer work.
It’s more like that.
A woman can train her pelvic floor muscles, which does not happen automatically during sex. If these muscles are trained, the woman can tweak together what makes the vagina tighter then because the muscles press the birth channel.
Sex doesn’t live out either. A vagina is an organ for reproduction. There are babies coming out and then it is (usually) exactly as before. that is their purpose and purpose. A penis is in proportion so tiny that there can be nothing.
However, what impairs the clamping force of the cells is the age. If the body slowly drops and the skin loses tension, naturally this also happens in the genitals. Especially after the change years.
It’s worth pelvic floor training before that happens.
Drugs that affect the skin and its tension also affect the corresponding cells of the vagina. There is also theoretically a “sleep” possible.
None of them.
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It doesn’t make any difference, even after a birth, should she be back as she was.
Both are wrong.
The vagina is not narrower in the course of time but further.
And sex does not train the vagina, but training trains the vagina.
If a woman does not tighten the musculature, she can have sex for thousands of hours and there will be nothing closer at most the opposite.
Neither, sex has no influence on vaginal muscles.