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It depends on the individual case. If you don’t want to get rid of the AN anyway, you will usually try to keep it. Overtime and holidays are then used. And where this is not enough, unpaid special leave is granted.
Too often you do not want to look at this as a AG.
this is a rather difficult question, because depending on the accumulated driving experience and the most obscured history, you will become an increasingly important employee for a forwarding.
“Point collectors” are also difficult in this industry, despite the lack of drivers, but with an inconspicuous “rout liner” with FV of one month, which is for the first time accumulating after long years of operation, even a small herb feeder iwo will seek solutions for this in a one-time and short driving ban, so that you will not lose the company with a fundamental pleasure in your work.
Fresh at the test time, or notoriously noticeable, this may look a bit different.
the Jenige then worked in the camp for so long. At points, however, the previous forwarding was also responsible for outrunning tires & exceeding the steering times.
Currently, drivers are also searched without ending. This is why the holiday is used up first, the rest is unpaid vacation.
With a lot of luck, you can be used differently.