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Du musst wirklich kein schlechtes Gewissen haben.
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… or the sentence mentions a small name (e.g. a small brand name).
If the beginning of the sentence is behind a comma, then the word is written when it is written regularly small.
Dear Kaja, my Elders have been very pleased that you have melted.
– lerko has the best yogurt.
– Dear Maria,
we have were yesterday (…)
At the beginning of the sentence there is always a capital letter and at the end always a point, or a question – or exclamation mark.
A start of the sentence begins when the previous sentence has been finished with a point and is always written large.
In the past, collective parts of the sentence, which are formulated independently, have also been separated with a dash point – after which little is written on, unless it is a main word.
Yeah, always, more of it…
Before a sentence begins, a point, an exclamation mark or a question mark must be set! Your version without everything is not available!
Yes – each beginning of the sentence starts with a capital letter.
Yeah, you don’t learn this at school anymore? It’s sad…
Maybe the questioner is also a foreigner. There are languages that do not know big and small words.