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1 year ago

In any case, adult or somewhat larger half-wives. Even if they have strong tooth problems. Two notorious male lions in the area of Tsavo had tooth problems and became human-eating. As usual in the area, they were unpretentious.

1 year ago

Under normal circumstances and from corresponding size definitely.

1 year ago

As a rule, a lion is more and more powerful than a human being, but if a lion is very ill, weak and weak, then it can be that a human being is physically superior to him.

1 year ago

Yes If man rises into the ring without tools

1 year ago
Reply to  jsixt

Ne for a simple reason – the lion doesn’t scare at Bisse as back as man…

The lion also does not pity itself in the struggle for life and death…

If the lion bites the man in the arm, do you think the man will get even stronger with the left?

But how does the lion react when you box it?

The hardest blow of man will not be able to twist the lion as a bite of lion

Once the lion arrives, the human being is scared back and then is severely disabled…

The human being is purely physically a rather seriously handicapped animal… We can hear badly, see, smell, taste, run, swim… We can fly well – to the muzzle….

Man shouldn’t be hit once in a serious fight – otherwise it was…

What does he want to do? A person can perhaps hold a lion who jumps in all friendship. But certainly not an aggresive beast fighting for his survival…

The lion comes to the human being… At least 100kg combat weight comes to humans with 80km/h, with intentions to kill

Jz you have three options – run over 80km/h,

The lion, jumping into the arms, stopping and knocking on

Or let you gum

Close the impossible options from ^^^

When 100-200kg comes to you with 80kmh, that’s what it’s all about.

A person could die when a lion stumbles on the hunt over the human being in the tracking of the cells

Look at you like lion hunting…. What kind of person has a chance?

1 year ago
Reply to  jsixt

It’s obvious. You can’t say that.

1 year ago

Otherwise, it is unimaginable for me


1 year ago

An adult lion or lioness cannot be defeated as a human being. We have no claws, no bite.. No weapons to get him dangerous.

1 year ago
Reply to  jsixt

No. This will not happen in a real battle.

1 year ago

Then you can say with absolute certainty that you dream…. Then you should come to mind, meditate something, and learn how to fly like Peter Pan 😉 is then also possible

1 year ago

Such a babysimba is moderately frightening. Adult I see black for every person.

1 year ago


And I hope this will never be checked empirically.