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2 years ago


Let’s assume it’s about really violent storms or storm fronts, such as hurricanes, storm depths, etc., which you can watch days before, then of course you plan on it. Forecast: Wind up to 120km/h from 18:00. Then you change the flight plan in such a way that as far as possible all the planes are brought out and as many as possible are brought in. All that comes then will be decided in the short term, because of course you never know exactly how the weather develops, it also happens that airports will be closed completely, and all starts will be cancelled, and landed on other airports.

In the case of summer weathers, which can arise quite in the short term, this is also recognized by the “Airport Metrologists” and the airport is accordingly prepared as far as possible. But thunderstorms are usually not so careful, and if they are not located directly above the airport, starts will be delayed and waited until it gets better. Landings are then also delayed, if still possible, rerouted or carried out.



2 years ago

Depends on which thunderstorms strength, or whether there are still storms, etc.

And otherwise one can say quite clearly: in this case the safety of everyone is going on! So if the security is not really there, then it can be that there are delays or failures, because as I said, security is going on.

Accordingly, it depends on the strength where it is, etc.


2 years ago

There can be delays. In my knowledge, failures are very rare.

2 years ago

So airplanes are quite able to fly through storms. However, as one does not want to take an unnecessary risk, one tries to circumvent it if possible.

However, erosion measures on the aircraft must not be continued with thunderstorms, and in the case the ground personnel must immediately stop the work, as flashes could strike in the field.

So yes, thunderstorms can lead to bans on start and landing, delays in handling and enormous delays.

2 years ago

Can happen if this causes start and landing to become dangerous or the storm has such dimensions that it cannot be flown around.

It happened to me once. Wanted from Munich to Bremen. Flight was cancelled shortly before the start because of a major storm in northern Germany.

2 years ago

The most dangerous thing about flying is starting and landing. For this reason, in extreme weather conditions, start is also postponed or aircraft are redirected to landing.

thunder cells on the way you can fly around. In the case of storm fronts, the pilot or the air traffic control must decide what is done. It also depends on the level of the thunderstorm formation.