Wird dieser Schaden wirklich berechnet (Sixt+ Rückgabe)?

Hallo, habe heute mein Sixt+ Fahrzeug nach 30 Tagen ordnungsgemäß zurückgegeben. Vorher noch innen und außen sauber gemacht und alles zeitlich und förmlich eingehalten.

Der Junge Mann, der um das Auto rumgeht hat dann sehr akribisch bei jeder Tür den Innenrahmen kontrolliert und vorne rechts dann einen Kratzer beanstandet, welcher, Achtung!, 1,4mm (Millimeter) lang ist.

Die minimale SB ist 500€, die haben wir. Meine Frage ist jetzt ob es bei Sixt auch so etwas wie Mensch

lichkeit gibt und dieser Mini Schaden, der eigentlich gar keiner ist, wirklich dazu führt dass die Tür neu reinkommt und somit die volle SB fällig wird. Für einen Neukunden sehr unangenehm. Vorher bei Europcar und Carsharing Anbietern keine Probleme gehabt die zwei Jahre bisher. :/

Vielen Dank für eure Antworten.

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2 years ago

That’s why you rent cars best without taking part.

This meticulous search for damage was so important to me that I’d rather pay a few euros more and have my rest.

The climax was Sixt in Ibiza, the guy just incredible, almost with a magnifying glass around the car to be able to rip us off. Didn’t find anything…Since this incident we only book without SB and oh miracles! No one is interested in any more damage and the cars are not even looking at…

This is already extremely petty and actually no damage to the customer (with a minimum length of 1cm!)

2 years ago
Reply to  MAB98

Yes, I think about Sixt too, unfortunately the SB is only 2,000, 1,000 or 500 by car. But thanks for the tips! 🙂

2 years ago

If the actually spur on raising, it becomes more expensive, as m.W. – at least in billing – is not resorted to SmartRepair. Have large-area painting and this could at least easily go in the direction of your SB.

Personally, I’d put myself on the back legs. The alleged damage is barely visible and is more likely to fall under normal lane of use – and you have gotten over the rent. If they actually come to you, I I have legal advice.

2 years ago

No door is replaced because of a paint damage. Where did you get that nonsense?

Unfortunately, you didn’t tell us what amount the damage was quantified.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex0703443

Apparently, the damage to the vehicle was not present, so that it must have occurred with you. Whether you know about it and that you have returned the car as agreed has nothing to do with it.

With 50€, the exposed varnish cannot be restored, so nothing can be seen.

2 years ago

You can show you the repair bill.

2 years ago

Yes, after 2,500 km of use, it can be, even not the subject, I pay the “lower”, only it must be transparent and clear, and so I have my fear :/

2 years ago

100-150 € inappropriate.

2 years ago
Reply to  DietmarBakel

I look similar and that would end the case for me. :