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The conscription CAN NOT be reintroduced, it was not dismantled but only suspended.
And a suspension can be cancelled overnight! (Also if it takes a comparatively long time until the conditions necessary for the implementation are again functional in the force.)
What is exposed can also be re-established/introduced… always this vocabulary… It’s actually the same.
It’s pure speculation, of course, but I can’t imagine it at all. Not as we had before. Since it was suspended, the Bundeswehr has completely changed. In particular structurally. It would be a great effort to create the necessary structures here again. Not only do you need more appropriate locations, with barracks and training places, but also much more training staff. The county army replacement offices would also have to be reconstructed in order to re-emphasize here. This requires a lot of financial commitment. But you have to suspend the debt brake for more than a year if you want to reset the clocks here.
Maybe you can think of something new to recruit more soldiers. But from my point of view, the conscription under which I have still fallen will no longer come.
Not one of them.
It has been in language, or certain parties want it again (I also)
Whether and when this is decided can take some time.
You should first use the search function on GF before considering a question that is asked several times a week.
Germany still has a compulsory military service, which is only suspended and can be put back into force if necessary.
It is not to be expected.
Any form of other military service is unlikely in the foreseeable future, for various reasons.
There is absolutely nothing to say that the conscription that has been suspended in Germany since 2011 is reactivated.
It would take years to create the necessary capacities for this, and since the compulsory military service no longer has military benefits, the compulsory reintroduction debate will remain pure electoral catches (unlikely that this seems to be a good thing for so many)
Not because they don’t need a person and they don’t use the state.
It is not possible at present to return to compulsory military service because the entire infrastructure of the Bundeswehr is geared towards a professional army.
Since it has never been abolished, it cannot be introduced again.
The compulsory military service has been suspended, but can of course be activated again if necessary.