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1 year ago

No, we have enough young talent. When playing on the smartphone, they are unmatched.

1 year ago

Perhaps the European civilization collapses once, but there are so many others who have made it to the drite stalls.

1 year ago

Breaking from today to tomorrow certainly not. But we live in a time of decline, which, of course, is primarily associated with the low birth rate of the service providers.

1 year ago
Reply to  aaiver1cann

I look similar, but the problem is that after Germany only very few intelligent people come from abroad, but rather the sediment of other peoples. The not so many wise people from Africa, India or the Islamosphere go to the Anglo-Saxon countries. In addition, even intelligent Germans emigrate into them. We lose more and more of the best intellectual substance from year to year – thanks to the “policy” of the existing party cartel.

1 year ago
Reply to  JohannDoukas

which, of course, is primarily associated with the low birth rate of the service providers.

Do you reaffirm the Nazi inheritance theory?

1 year ago
Reply to  guenterhalt

LOL, besides the Nazi lobe, you have nothing to offer? Poor. The problem was already known in the late Empire and was also addressed by SPD politicians, but you have no idea.

1 year ago

finally a bio-German who can counteract the degeneration.
What academic degree did you achieve? Has the wave of degeneration reached you when the German emperors started it or were your parents and grandparents already affected?
I don’t understand why you’re just typing the eugenics like that. In human breeding stations, German genes could be cultivated to such an extent that we become the men’s race again. For you, I mean, it will be too late, because once genetically abused, is dismissed.

1 year ago

LOL I am more proud to have not received a “mark” on this antifa-tested platform. If I had, I would have done something wrong…

Short historical demolition, as you obviously lack basic knowledge:

After the pill kink (which was also a kink due to war losses) the birth rate, which after the low of the Weimar Republic, where it had already fallen to only 1.6 children per woman, was again raised to 2.3 children per woman in the Third Reich by wise birth policies including the “mother cross” and remained relatively high in the years of reconstruction, i.e. the 50s (“Babyboomer”). The pill kink went off at the end of the 60s. If more than 1.3 million German children were born in 1963, 50 years later, in 2013, less than 0.7 million were born. Children born in Germany – for example only half of them, and these children were also only about 3/4 German, but about 1/4 were already foreign. Today, the conditions from the German point of view again look more unfavourable. I meanwhile amelioness.

Today, the birth rate of the “BioGermans” is approx. 1.1 to 1.2 Children per woman. if the Turks are added at about 1.4. These are 0.8 children under the maintenance minimum. In Black Africa, the birth rate is still in most countries with over 4 children per woman. There is no higher mathematics to calculate where this will lead: The Africans could have a golden future for themselves in wise Eugenian birth policy, such as in China Maos, with the one-child model, as a state-intensed restriction of the birth rate mainly prevents the birth-rich sub-layer from multiplying excessively. Academics, entrepreneurs, officers, in short, the upper class, have hardly any more than one child, at least much less than the lower layers. Thus, the Africans could easily improve their genetic substance as the eugee-thinking Chinese wisely did – and these are today known to be the front in the world.

If, on the other hand, the rate of birth is as large as it is with us, one must be grateful for every child who is born at all, so it can hardly afford to ask for genetic quality. The result is the progressive degeneration of the population in the Federal Republic of Germany from generation to generation, also referred to as “precise reading”. The precariat grows and since academics have the least children (only 0.6 on average), the requirements are simply lowered on university and in Abitur: The result is an ever further decreasing competitiveness of Germany compared with countries that follow a smarter policy here (especially the East Asians). Even without mass immigration, it is hardly integrable and integration-involuntary aliens, so it goes steeply downhill in such a policy as it is operated by the established.

As I said, the problem was over 100 years ago and was debated in the Reichstag. SPD people have also recognized the problem, but it was not in their power to overcome the problem. Today the degeneration is taken, the problem is completely dazzled, and it decides absolutely about the future of our people. It is obviously more important to the lied politicians and large parts of a cowardly and weak population to be considered only not as “Nazi” than to take serious care of the essential questions of the future of our people. –

1 year ago

It’s pathetic if you haven’t given an answer in 6 years at GF yet, which one of them has been awarded with “the best of their own”. So you should have some reservations about the evaluation of other answers and comments.
By the way: around 1900, in the late Empire, Germany had 56 million inhabitants. The German Empire also extended to Königsberg.
Today it is smaller and has 84 million inhabitants. Even if you take off the people emigrated from other countries, higher mathematics is part of a low birth rate.

Of course, it’s right that I really don’t know about mathematics. I should have had better books of Sarazzin and not of Bronstein/Semendjayev and Sweschenikow in the bookshelf.
How did you write: “But you have no idea”

1 year ago

We weren’t and we never will.

Besides, how are you going to judge that? It’s not enough for you.

1 year ago

What do you care?

You’ll be back in your emerging country soon. Nerv the people there.

1 year ago

Don’t be stupid.

We don’t have a lack of intelligent people, even if someone like you pulls the average enormously down.

But you’re not here so long… 😈

1 year ago

Europe is experiencing a steady influx of skilled workers from other continents. Some see literally black for the future; it can hardly be bad…

1 year ago
Reply to  aaiver1cann

Breakdown: What exactly is he supposed to look like? Specify this, then you can also respond appropriately. How do you measure talent and creativity? In meters, kilos, seconds…?

1 year ago

He closes others from himself. 😁

1 year ago

It’s too inaccurate. How would you know a civilization broken down? Everyone will evaluate it differently; To do this, you must have measurement points. When is the barrel full – at 100 litres; that can be measured exactly.

Just as talent and creativity: everyone has a good idea, some more often, some rare. Having the idea alone brings nothing to society; you also have to publish and implement them. But they often make others who have a better sense of business.

1 year ago

I think so? Fun, of course not!

1 year ago

Please. The average IQ is increasing every year, for hundreds of years.

1 year ago


Even if you wish us so much. 😈

1 year ago
Reply to  aaiver1cann

Why do you repeat a different answer in a comment? The respondent can safely read. In addition, I wonder why you take the trouble to ask a question here on GF if you want to hear what you think yourself anyway. Sounds for me to provoke “completely superfluous” or to lust.

1 year ago

He always does.

He can’t do anything else except stunk and provoke.

1 year ago

No talent is the excuse of the lazy and the courageless.

1 year ago
Reply to  aaiver1cann

Nope. There’s someone lazy or miserable. But don’t give up, your brain is neuroplastic.

1 year ago

;-DDD exceptions confirm the rule…

1 year ago

In this particular case, I dare to doubt it. 🙃