Wird der Weg zur Arbeit zum Luxus für nicht homeoffie fähige Arbeiten?
Fossile Kraftstoffe werden ständig teuer genau so wie strom für die e Autos
1,77 für normale Benzin ist schon uff
Und die Tankstelle liegt im Ort
Neue Miet Vertragkönnen sich jetzt viele nicht leisten (kenne zb da zahlt der neue Mieter 100 Euro nix wurde an der Wohnung gemacht
Öpnv nicht Flächendeckend und für Pendler die ausser halb arbeiten nicht praktikabel erst in die Größe Stadt fahren dort umsteigen und dann noch mal umsteigen
Fahhrad fahren 25 km bei Schneefall und Dunkelheit?
Und es trifft alle Jobs und qulifizrunge
It’s bad, it’s getting worse and the presumption of getting to work is getting even higher.
Nowadays it will be seen as acceptable if you need up to 2 hours to work, no matter how.
I see it here in the Rhine Main area. People live in Gießen or Hanau and Pendeln to Frankfurt with the ÖNPV . Completely normal.
A car will soon hardly be able to barge only privileged or the employer will hire a company vehicle 🙂
Homeoffice ? on a Tarzan issue donated like ?
Nen Dream of many, at some it will be possible with other not. As a Linux administrator, I could do something like this, so if it’s possible to convert only then I would have to have someone working out to the customer and, if there’s a defect, swapping parts on servers and PC systems, configuring software or simply driving emergency out to the customer and looking after the right. And he wants to have money for his job. Ergo a rat tail. Therefore, home office only conditionally for some not all. But the road to work will be even worse, so you can still adjust. And even if it doesn’t fit you can buy a monthly ticket from the ÖNPV and then be flexible. And where you don’t get there, take your bike with you.
Why does 1 person go to work in a 1.7 tons of five-seater, alone? Why doesn’t this person drive to the next bus or train stop and then makes Park and Ride? And where does this indescribable meaningless idea come from to have a huge distance between the place of residence and the place of work?
1: öpnv in Germany still partially insufficiently developed (because no Park and Ried is possible) you can see that you drive to the railway station by car or try to get home in the middle big city after 22.30 by bus.
2 there are also work where you need to be on the car (already trying to transport craftsman goods on the train?
Well you need to increase well paid jobs otherwise it looks mau