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He is not really insulted – it is not his bank, but he is an employee. Of course, he’ll tell you the blue from heaven so you stay there – he’s ultimately a seller.
Nee – if you think it’s right to change the bank, do it. That’s why the bank won’t go broke.
You can do that with a bank transfer yourself.
We have 2024 and not 1915.
Certainly not. But he might ask you about the reason and you can (or should) call him. Probably higher credit rates.
If it’s about 1000 euros, it doesn’t matter.
When it comes to 1 million or more, his face will become a sloping grin and slime will drown him out of his mouth. He’ll try to convince you to stay with reasonable offers.
and in principle you can’t care.
Only if you blame him.
No. If he is from a new generation who takes absolutely everything personally and as a waste ground, then he could be.
Will the Sparkassen seller give you money if you’re broke?
It’s your money, you can do what you want.
How many millions are you talking about?
You don’t care how it reacts.
It’s probably not that much. Customers come and go. Only too many of them should not leave.