Wird denn Alkohol an der Kasse auch an unter 18-jährige verkauft?

Warum sind denn jetzt Kinder wegen Alkohol gefährdet, wenn Alkohol gar nicht an unter 18-jährige verkauft werden darf?

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2 years ago

Because minors also come in other ways, for example by buying the alcohol from older friends. Besides, not every cashier looks at the ID.

2 years ago
  1. Because not everyone takes the task of ID seriously. It’s scary to get u18 to alk if you just look like you could be 19 or so.
  2. Because third (older mate, parents, ….) buy for children
  3. Because Alk is stored in some households and does not immediately falsify when a bottle of wine is gone.

Accepting that a sales ban reduces contact to 0 is very naive. It is certainly a good step because it all makes it difficult. But it doesn’t make it impossible to get Alk.

Ziggis are the same theme in green.

2 years ago

Beer may be sold as an example from 16 onwards.

Not always is an ID checked. Often simply out of the fact that the customer looks “old enough”.

The open presence and advertising of alcohol especially suggests teenagers a false picture of what is considered “cool” and “growing”. For the same reason, stricter regulations on tobacco have also been introduced, for example

As with all drugs, it is therefore important here to make a sensitivity to the substances (again): alcohol is a sweetener, no basic food, no need. ubiquitous alcohol outlets, for example, on a cash register or on partially specially designed shelves, but implies a certain “commitment” alcohol to consume. Likewise, advertising images often suggest that on a celebration, in grilling etc. alcohol can simply “not miss.”

All this is a form of education that creates certain foundations in childhood, but above all in puberty. In the worst case scenario, the theoretical result would be a potentially avoidable addiction disease. More generally, however, a back-screwing of expenses and advertising as well as similar mechanisms as in the purchase of tobacco would almost automatically ensure that a much more conscious and therefore more responsible purchasing decision is taken. Both adults and young people Young adults. In the long term, this changes the social relation to alcohol.

2 years ago

Older friends, cashiers who don’t care about the law, theft.
There are some ways to get young young people to alcohol.

2 years ago

If you’re talking about the little alcohol bottles at the cash desk. They should go away, according to those who have problems with alcohol and not because of the minors and so on the cash registers that could require to buy alcohol even if they do not actually want it. In the store they could avoid the corridors, but at the cash registers they would be confronted with it and buy what they did not want.

There are cash registers without quengelware, then they can also do those without alcohol, so the problem would be solved simply.

2 years ago

Because they are still coming through countless tricks and criminal behavior of sales outlets.

2 years ago

Light alcohol, i.e. beer, wine and mixed drinks such as cyclists can be sold from 16 years. With 14 parents are also drunk.

2 years ago

Because they can just ask someone older.

Or they know someone who knows someone.

2 years ago

Alcohol is already allowed from 16 and you get to alcohol before you want it.

2 years ago
Reply to  XXsadXX

Alcohol is allowed from 16

Because “alcohol” contains all alcoholic beverages, your package is simply wrong.
Hard alcohol is only available from 18.

2 years ago
Reply to  apophis

I didn’t write any alcohol. You don’t have to put every word on the scale

2 years ago

You can buy from 16