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Have a look, if you like: cannabis
Medical cannabis basically contains the same active ingredients as any other variety. The cultivation is well controlled, which is why there is a more or less consistent quality.
The risks associated with consumption are also in principle the same as in any other variety. The more THC and the more you consume, the greater the risk of negative effects on the psyche.
It’s still a drug, but in medical prescription it’s just a legal and no illegal drug. In this case, it is used for medical purposes due to an existing medical indication (necessary) and the application is carried out according to the requirements of the treating physician and under medical control. Among other things, the dosage is also determined by the doctor and not “willingly” determined by the consumer himself. Certain “drugs” have always been used in medicine and are listed in Appendix 3 of the BtMG. Without these drugs, which are basically drugs, no operations would be feasible.
It is basically the same that also consume fun consumers.