Wird bei Konzerten in großen Hallen zwingend das Alter kontrolliert wenn man eh schon relativ erwachsen aussieht?
Ich bin im November beim Konzert von Rin aber habe dadurch das ich noch nicht 16+ bin das Problem das ich eine Aufsichtsperson brauche… hab aber eben kein Ticket mehr für eben so eine und wollte deshalb fragen ob das Alter überhaupt kontrolliert wird wenn ich schon recht alt aussehe (m, 1,90 und werde oft auf 16-18 geschätzt)
Age is not necessarily controlled, but of course it can always happen. But you could let yourself fill up such an accompanying note from your parents and ask other people (the old enough) before the concert if they take you in. You should definitely find someone 🙂 but remember that you take a pen so that people can sign the note.
I was at a concert when I was 15 and you weren’t asked about the age. I think they were too stressed to check the age. By the way, the controls are also backpacks. I didn’t know it at that time, and had a map on Ebay for my big brother. I’d take an agreement on security. But I don’t think the control is. I was already on many concerts, for example Blackpink, Harry Styles or ed sheeran, and they have been controlling. But, as I said, on security, I would rather accept an agreement declaration. Hope I could help. Have fun with Rin 🙂
No! Not necessarily …
the age is controlled