Wird bei einer Wundinfektion die komplette Wunde wieder geöffnet?

Sali zämme

Kleines Beispiel: nach einer Operation wird eine ca. 15cm Wunde (am Steissbein) wieder zugenäht —> die Wunde schliesst sich gut, aber sie ist auch infiziert & darunter hat sich Eiter gebildet, welches man wieder rausbekommen sollte.

meine Frage: gibt es in solchen Fällen eine kleine Inzision, damit der Eiter wieder auslaufen kann, oder wird die komplette Wunde nochmals geöffnet & die ganze Wundheilung fängt von vorne an?

gruZH 🙂

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2 years ago

On a 15 cm sewn Op.Wunde comes a fresh dress with IlonAbszesssalbe and Bepanthen every day. So that it heals from the inside, through the healing function. And by Ilon evtl. Impurities are removed. So the OpWunds don’t rush.

A fistula is cleared. She’s a hole that remains open. Healing from the inside too. Every day, LeukaseKegel/Antibiotics are inserted and an Ilon bandage is glued on.

It is immediately observed and necessary done so that a wound, from inside out, clean!!!, can heal through the healing function of the body, which is also called God in religion.

One does not sew a wound, does not constantly provide it with all the necessary that it could also heal in order to then cut it up again because one has not done the necessary. How many times should they be opened again? And that on the steiss leg. I can only wish.

2 years ago
Reply to  loloboy

If it has been uncomplicated until now, everything is above K.

All right and please 😊💛🍀.

2 years ago

Na logisch, wir sind doch Schöpfer, Erschaffer.

2 years ago

Ja. Am Steissbein ist halt ne dumme Stelle, wo es nicht so gut heilt, wie an der Luft.

Du bist aber gut versorgt. Das wird. Nur Geduld.

2 years ago

The wound is opened, and the wound must heal from inside

2 years ago
Reply to  loloboy

If you need to be reopened, you will be opening in healthy tissue and then sewn there again. You don’t cut up any scars. It won’t heal anymore. Scar is broken skin.

2 years ago
Reply to  loloboy

Don’t be sewn.

2 years ago

And now with a lot of joy inside: “health, heile, heile, heile”, in the universe. And see it with joy as if everything has been cured again. And don’t doubt, never doubt it. And of course, continue to do the necessary. _ Then it happens. 😊 We are the manifesters.

2 years ago

This depends on the size of the opening to be able to remove the oyster completely.