Wird Alkohol durch die Ohren aufgenommen?
Habe mit so einem Set aus der Apotheke meine Ohren ausgespült weil ich schlecht gehört habe. Und dann sehe auf der Verpackung das die Flüssigneit Ethanol ist. Werde ich jetzt besoffen? Ich will nicht besoffen sein ich bin Christ und seit Jahren trocken.
How do you get that idea? Of course not.
The ears are mucous membranes and alcohol can be absorbed by mucous membranes
ears are not mucosa
Ears are not mucous membranes, and the eardrum is impermeable.
Yes he will but it is so minimal that it does not play a role
Omg I don’t want to have any alcohol in the body what should I do now
Ask if there are those who are not based on ethanol.
Yeah, well…
Too late
Many medical devices contain alcohol as solvent and damage is not to be expected here. Turn the product to the described.
PS: what does this have to do with religion? Medicine is the same for everyone.
Alcohol abuse is sin
You take more alcohol on fresh bread.
That’s why I only take Toastbrot
How healthy…
You have no reasons to claim Toast would be unhealthy
What you can’t learn from you. It’s your body. Good hunger.
are fast carbohydrates that are healthy