Wir sollen im Religionsunterricht Bilder bearbeiten, ich finde aber keine Sachen im Internet zu meinem Bild, was tun?

Wir müssen im Religionsunterricht zu Bildern die wir bekommen haben eine PowerPoint machen, jedoch finde ich nichts zu dem Bild im Internet.

mein Bild ist von Werner Knaupp 1977 “Christus 15.10.77”

könnte mir jemand helfen angaben und Informationen zu diesem Bild zu finden

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3 months ago

The image of 15.10.1977 is called “crease” and not “Christ”.

The image shows the crucifixion of Jesus, where it is noticeable that his head is blurred. what the artist wants to say is a matter of interpretation

Subtotal: according to the official website of Knapp, the painting has been handed over at the University of Leipzig or to a professor there. According to his own image description, the image “righteousness, peace, preservation of creation” should express. However, you should remember that an image interpretation is always important.

You could also write the university secretariat and ask for an image.

