Wir läuft der Weg in die Klinik für Essstörung ab?
Was muss ich machen, wo anrufen? Ich hab gehört dass man sich da zu so ner Art Vorstellungsgespräch muss, stimmt das? Wann kriegt man Bescheid wann man anfangen könnte, davor oder danach? Und wie lang sind aktuell die Wartezeiten? Kann man sich selbst aussuchen welche Klinik man will? Hat irgendwer Erfahrung? Es geht explizit um Magersucht und ich bin 19 Jahre alt
I went to my family doctor at the time and said I needed help. After that, I was sent to my health insurance, there I got a list of clinics. at the time, I ran through pension insurance because I was half orphan.
I then contacted the clinic I went to in the end and asked what you need for a stay. After that, I’m back to my family doctor and he gave me a transfer that I sent to the clinic along with your short report from my doctor.
After a few weeks I got a questionnaire, which I had to fill out and send back, after that I got an invitation to a preliminary discussion, what happens there, I declare in a later paragraph. After this I received a call with an appointment proposal, which I accepted and received shortly afterwards a letter with info brochure etc. I needed a remit, that’s different from the transfer.
I was 3x in the clinic, the first time 12 weeks, the second time 19 weeks, the last time 6 weeks.
Not always, but sometimes this is necessary because you have to find out if you are suitable for the clinic, you are asked what you want to achieve and look at the clinic, whether what you want to achieve, as this can also be implemented.
You get to know someone, ask how it happened that you slipped into the magic, explaining how the treatment is going.
Depending on the clinic, this is very different from the clinic to the clinic. With me it was so that you could cross the questionnaire if you can arrive at short notice, i.e. within a few days, you will cross it, then it can be that you get a call on Thursday, that it could go on Tuesday, otherwise it will take a few weeks, I am currently on the way back to the same clinic, but this time because of depression and I filled out the questionnaire in mid-July and could not have been able to get an appointment at the beginning of August, September.
You certainly have a right of choice and choice for clinical treatment, for example, I have decided again for this clinic, because I know the procedures and because it really helped me back then. In the first run I was not ready to let myself in, but at the second time it really clicked, so also the 19 weeks. After the clinic I started my Abitur, strengthened and really ready to face new challenges again, I was away from the eating disorder after the second start, I had clear start-up problems, I came into the eating disorder due to stress, a-typical Anorexia Nervosa.
Let your family doctor or health insurance give you a list of clinics that offer a treatment for eating disorders, I was in an acute treatment at the time, so it went faster.
Your Arzr will find a therapy place for you. Go and get active in therapy.