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This is one of the most difficult tasks that it is necessary for us to handle people.
For a person who is deep in the heart is not so easy to forget.
It takes time for that. Sometimes infinitely much time and sometimes…. does not help time of the world…….
It works best with distractions of any kind.
No matter what, in general it pushes this missing into the background.
Employment/Work is good, because it does not mean for free:
“Work clears the head”
Love greetings
Through a lot of time and also by distraction.
But forgetting someone 100% is almost impossible.
But at least you don’t think about the person so often and she doesn’t hurt you anymore.
By distraction of all kinds. Nevertheless, depending on the narrowness of relationships, it will take longer than one is dear.
If it has to be processed then it will run so 100%
It takes time, sometimes it doesn’t work, since when do we write?
I don’t miss you.
I know, but I know you
Sometimes never.
If you don’t have to be as good as me, that’s not a problem