Wir haben zu viele Menschen, die arbeiten könnten, aber nicht arbeiten?

Hat Herr Lindner gesagt. Bedeutet das, dass er für jeden, der arbeiten will einen Job in seiner Firma hat?

Wann kann man bei ihm anfangen zu arbeiten? Wie sicher wird dieser Job sein? Wird er dieses Mal wieder mit seiner Firma pleite gehen?

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1 year ago

I’d like to show it to Mr. Lindner as an unemployed person. No, not in his company, but with any other employer who has jobs free. It is clear to me, as an unemployed person, that Mr Lindner speaks nonsense, for as I naturally want everyone to work. Strange that apart from me the few want to prove it! 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  katzimausi123

Then they are not meant!

1 year ago

Mr. Lindner is perfectly right about this statement, but only because someone can work doesn’t mean that it’s worth working for him for a long time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ronnhold

Yes. It is not worth working.Everything needed in Germany is also created without working will. Only through their societal aid allowances. Or not?

1 year ago
Reply to  Goldlaub

It’s not worth working.

It’s just bullshit.

Dultus, UserMod Light
Reply to  Goldlaub

You didn’t understand his statement.

Why do you want to work without training or partly even training if you can’t do anything and get better about the rounds? It’s sick.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ronnhold

does not mean that it is worth working for him too

What has the question of working or being dependent on citizens’ money to do with the stupid-politic question whether to work?

1 year ago
Reply to  Familiengerd
  1. I doubt you know what polemics means at all, at least you use it in the wrong context.
  2. No one here used the word civic money, and whether work is “paid” is a definition question. You will surely say work is worthwhile because it gives a more than money it gives a meaning in life, the feeling needed to be blablablabla…

I remain sober and look at the numbers, millions of people working though they would get out with civil money +/- the same thing, I say: it is not worthwhile for all.

1 year ago

Finally, you can’t choose to work, or you can’t get a citizen’s money.

I don’t know what planet you call your home, but in my world you can choose whether you work or you’re getting citizens’ money, no one is forced to work here.

1 year ago

The question of whether work is worthwhile is polemical (and insane).

Millions of people work though they would get the same out with civil money +/- I say: it is not worth it for everyone.

And what follows from this insane claim? Finally, you can’t choose to work, or you can’t get a citizen’s money.

1 year ago

I would like to ask myself the question is it better to be a slave than a Schmarotzer?

What an idiotic (and historical) polemic!

Dultus, UserMod Light

It’s not hard to understand what I wrote when you read it, there’s no reason for me to write anything.

1 year ago

Okay. Then you’re not against paying social assistance instead of minimum wages.

1 year ago

Thank you for your answer.

What do you think is a properly guided feeling?

If work isn’t worth it, it’s better to stop it, isn’t it? What is to criticize, not to be regarded as a fugitive because you work?

Is your statement that many people don’t want to work at all, but only because they don’t want to be a sniper? What’s wrong with this?

If they weren’t considered a sniper, would they rather not work?

More wages for work also makes the product more expensive. If you are paying more wages for it, you must also accept that life becomes more expensive.

1 year ago

This misguided feeling is the only thing that Germany is still alive. Millions of people work even though it doesn’t work financially for them, and why? In order not to be considered as “Schmarotzer”.
I would like to ask myself the question is it better to be a slave than a Schmarotzer?

This whole system urgently needs a general overhaul.

Dultus, UserMod Light

It’s sick that the payment is so crappy. I work personally, but I earn very well. But I wouldn’t find it discardable not to work if minimum wage is the alternative to a bone job. Morality is honestly stupid.

1 year ago

I understand. Parallel question: Is it mentally healthy, worthy of a responsible citizen, to let others work for themselves rather than to get up for their own needs?

Or does the same mean that it is “sick” to feel more comfortable than being self-responsible for your own needs?

1 year ago

That’s true. Man often doesn’t do more than he needs. Why would he?

1 year ago
Reply to  SevenOfNein

That’s why it’s also an interpretation when someone works for himself without having more money than social help? 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Goldlaub

working for itself

Writing errors?

1 year ago


Are those crazy who live with self-responsibility and therefore, even if they don’t earn more than a social assistance recipient gets, working for this reason anyway?

Please think. Such open-minded and self-sponsored citizens (which, by the way, also think socially) are often portrayed as the crazy. As if the use of the social state would be particularly great, imitative or a mutation towards a “eminent” person.

Do you understand what I mean?

1 year ago

We have too many people who could work but not work?

Can be, I would like to see a source or a definition of too much.

There is at least one person in D who does not work voluntarily. But if there are many or too many I don’t know now.

Mr. Lindner said. Does that mean he has a job in his company for anyone who wants to work?

I don’t think so. The statement is probably more likely to appeal to that every system that is built on it that many can carry few who can not carry only works if all or most can carry. If too many can not carry such a system tilts sometime.

When can you start working with him?

You’ll get a date when you’re taken.

How sure will this job be? Will he go back with his company this time?

I have no crystal ball

1 year ago

In Germany there are enough jobs and unoccupied jobs and training places. Many pensioners have to continue to work because otherwise the supply breaks down or there are no skilled workers.

1 year ago
Reply to  katzimausi123

some have also done, but in general probably not enough.

1 year ago

Politicians like to tell a lot when the day is long.

Leg of a “company” is just the name of a company if this answers your question.

1 year ago

Then I guess there’ll be a job. It is necessary to see which companies he has and to apply.

1 year ago

You draw false conclusions and argue on this basis.

1 year ago
Reply to  katzimausi123

You don’t understand your own word construct.

1 year ago

Does that mean he has a job in his company for anyone who wants to work?

Certainly not.

But there are hundreds of unoccupied training jobs in crafts.

1 year ago

Just logged in, directly found a stupid-provocal questions – Record!

1 year ago
Reply to  LisaAusPisa


1 year ago
Reply to  LisaAusPisa

That’s it!

1 year ago

Do you really expect an answer or do you try to leave a little frustration with the sarcasm? Write him an e-mail, here are these questions only wasted time

1 year ago
Reply to  katzimausi123


When can you start working with him?

Irrelevant to you, I have you not to be hired if:

How sure will this job be?

Better not set up cozy

Will he go back with his company this time?

If you work there guaranteed