Wir haben einen Frosch im Haus!?

Hallo! Heute morgen habe ich einen ziemlich großen (etwa faustgroß) Frosch im Haus bei uns entdeckt. Ich habe dann ein feuchtes Tuch geholt, um ihn damit zu fangen, doch als ich zurückkam war er verschwunden und ich habe ihn nicht mehr wiedergefunden. Wie soll ich den Frosch jetzt dazu bewegen, sein Versteck zu verlassen? Ich weiß, dass Frösche ohne Wasser schnell vertrocknen. Glaubt ihr er kommt aus seinem Versteck, wenn ich eine Schale mit Wasser aufstelle?

Danke für eure Antworten!


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8 years ago

Open the terrace door and do not use the room today. As long as he’s “operating” he won’t move.

Main activity time is in the evening and at night. But I’m afraid he’s dried until tonight.

Look along the footbars, also under the closets and behind the sofa. They’re usually there somewhere.

Frogs or even amphibians should be caught and put out immediately. If you’re running for a towel for a long time, they’re usually gone. They are not poisonous, at least not if they are not removed;-)

8 years ago

How beautiful if you find a happy ending 🙂

8 years ago

Frogs do not dry so quickly without water, many frogs banish their adult life on land and not in water. Probably your frog is a toad looking for a winter quarter. We used to always had those in the basement, they took care of Asseln etc.

Just keep looking, it’s gonna turn up again

8 years ago

I think that the frog will come out of his hide-and-seek before it gets dried up and on its own to search for water.

8 years ago

It wasn’t a frog, it was pretty sure a toad… in the faustgross… They’re slowly moving back to their winter quatier.

Since there are also insects in the apartment…z.Spinnen etc. pleases her there. Search behind furniture etc…you might find them. Then you can release them in freedom. Possibly to a dark place…maybe a heap of earth…

8 years ago
Reply to  Pulsar2001

is quite simple…the frog is elongated, and takes giant sets….the toad is round…plump and does not have the jumping power of the frog….she *hoppelt* rather leisurely….otherwise, it is much larger than a frog when it has grown…D have written yes….*faustgross*

8 years ago

Maybe he disappeared on the way he came in?

8 years ago

try it

8 years ago
Reply to  MsNoReason
