Winkel des erigierten Penises normal/ändert sich mit der Zeit?

Hallo, im erigierten Zustand steht mein Penis bei vollständiger Erektion fast im 90-Grad Winkel am Bauch (aber weitestgehend im Ganzen und nicht nur ein Teil). Das erschwert Sex teilweise, weil er dann nicht sehr flexibel ist und schnell in einen Bereich kommt, wo es wehtut und sich anfühlt, als würde er brechen, wenn man ihn weiter in Richtung Beine bewegt.

Im Internet habe ich gegensätzliche Aussagen gefunden; Ändert sich der Winkel wegen nachlassender Stärke der Muskeln und Erektion mit den Jahren und lässt nach, oder bleibt der Winkel so (ist scheinbar angeboren)?

Natürlich kann ich im Zweifel bei zu vielem Komplikationen zum Urologen gehen, aber es geht mir vor allem darum, ob sich der Winkel sich mit der Zeit normalerweise von selbst absenkt und wenn vermeidbar ist von einem Eingriff ja eher abzuraten.

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2 years ago

What do you mean, “at an angle of 90 degrees on the belly”? I know you can explain that badly. I also have problems to describe this correctly.

Is he up that he’s almost on his stomach? Or at an angle of 90 degrees, so that it stands in straight ( horizontal) forward.

When I was young, it was very steep to get up with me, and barely pushed down. That was like 30 years ago. At that time there was no good question and no internet. That’s why I thought it was all like that. Today I know it’s not like that. It’s different. Straight forward, or obliquely upwards is most common. Sometimes the penis is also movable, sometimes quite immovable.

If you read answers on the Internet that this is not a problem and that goes down with time, these are not necessarily professionals who write this. It’s not the case with them, and that’s why they can’t imagine it being the case with others.

I’m old. From today’s point of view, I would say that you should be able to push the penis away from the abdomen without great pain at least 45 degrees. Otherwise it could be difficult with sex. Otherwise you should ask a doctor. As much as I know, it can be changed relatively easily by a small operation.

2 years ago

The erection angle is dependent on the clamping force of the suspensor bands. If these are heavily stressed in which the penis is pressed down with erection, then they lose tension and the angle becomes lower in the long term. I find a high erection angle but rather desirable and frue me that my suspensor bands still have a high clamping force.

Here you find a GF from me.

2 years ago

I’d wait a bit. There was also a time when he was very steep. It was never a problem for me. In sex it did not hurt, even though he had to be bent quite strongly.

2 years ago

The hardness and setting angle changes (reduced) with the lifetime.

2 years ago
Reply to  Curasanus

That’s right. Mine is at a different angle than before, but still becomes sufficiently hard.