Windpocken verkrusten nicht?
Hallo, ich bin 25 und habe seit 03. April Windpocken.
Für ~4 Tage waren es nur ca. 8 Flecken am Bauch, ab dem 08. April wurden es allmählich mehr, aber es ist weiterhin nur der Oberkörper betroffen.
Richtige Bläschen haben sich nicht gebildet und 90% der Stellen sehen immer noch aus wie Insektenstiche. Es juckt auch nichts. Bei ca. 10% sieht man keine Kruste, sondern einfach helle, trockene Hautschuppen. Plus bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass immer noch neue Flecken kommen.
Ansonsten geht es mir gut. Ich hatte nicht einmal Fieber.
Müssten mittlerweile aber nicht schon die meisten Flecken trocken sein? Bin ich noch ansteckend? Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht?
Are you sure windpox? That’s Herpes Zoster, a virus.
Such bite sites can have quite different causes, depending on what building blocks you lack in food. Then it would be ‘just’ a deficiency certificate.
I know something like that, but connected. with itching, as a sign of overacidification in the tissue, but also as an effect of unconventional additives.
First, I would ensure that the amino acid profile is correct, i.e. the composition of protein. Lysin often lacks, which also acts against herpesviruses, but generally ensures faster healing.
Then vitamin C and zinc are important, as are vitamin D3+K2; the daily maintenance dose is 6000 to 8000 I.E./day.
What do you always eat, do you regularly take vitamins, minerals or something like that? A small program change can possibly cause a major change.
I really don’t take anything and I don’t know if I’m missing anything.
Itching is only “da” if I touched the places, but if all the spots had been on the back, I would not have noticed it, for example. So don’t know if you can talk about itching.
I’ll call on Monday and ask if I should check it out again. It’s funny that I don’t have any symptoms except for light scratches on Monday, but the spots don’t fade :/
In Europe, health problems that require the use of food supplements are extremely rare. Simply take vitamin C without any logic, but can lead to heartburn.
If you don’t mind big, you can try some home remedy, can you? Also zinc, vitamin C, ….
How high is Vit. D3+K2 your daily supplement dose? You are responsible for the right full diet, no one else!
Then the FS certainly does not take the nutritionally recommended 5000 to 8000 IE Vit. D3+ K2 which, in healthy adults, represent the ANNUAL recommendation of a conservation dose!
A doctor only checks the display D-memory value (cost about 27 €) upon request and for the patient’s invoice. In no case would he recommend this video:
Vitamin D3 would prevent diseases.
You again. You’ve been reproached so many times, and you have to be taught. Why do you want to make people sick and leave sick? Don’t you have any conscience?
How the FS writes:
A doctor would notice a lack of blood.
ask your doctor
I’ll call him on Monday, if it doesn’t get better, but someone else has experienced the same thing. They haven’t passed two weeks, so I didn’t want to call.
go to your doctor, no one can help you here
The lay people from the Internet can not examine them and do not look at them directly. Would-be-Medicians still recommend any therapies here in the forum, but without professional diagnosis is the health-prone and irresponsible.
My mother told me I was vaccinated.
others can be vaccinated against windpox and get it not at all
I’ll call him on Monday, if it doesn’t get better, but someone else has experienced the same thing. They haven’t passed two weeks, so I didn’t want to call.