Windows auf andere Festplatte übertragen?
Hallo, ich habe aktuell mein Betriebssystem auf einer kleinen HDD Festplatte. Ich wollte diese gern gegen eine größere ssd austauschen. Funktioniert das so einfach? Also wie bekomme ich mein „C“ komplett auf eine neue Festplatte? Im besten Falle ohne den ganzen PC neu zu machen 😁
You can clone the existing plate, e.g. with the free “Clonezilla” . I would only do that if I know what I do, and at Windoof I don’t know it and the average user does not.
Be careful.
Secure data.
Reinstall Windows with USB Stick:
Cloning. Would be an alternative, but there are problems because all partition sizes are cloned. To get this out of the way, new installation would certainly be easier. (Only one has a clean restart).
Without tools, this doesn’t work so easy, gives special tools for it, no matter what, all work reliably. So I’d rather make it new. If the new hard drive is in and works, you can easily copy files. You should also reinstall programs.
That’s fine. Hard Drive Manager Suite-5317006.html
there are different tools for this, but I would highly recommend you to reinstall your PC.
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)