Windows 11 schlechte HDR Implementierung?
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Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand seine Erfahrungen bezüglich HDR unter Windows 11 schildern, nur ich habe das Gefühl, dass sobald ich HDR aktiviere normaler SDR Content komisch aussieht. Klar, HDR Content sieht natürlich super aus aber alles andere irgendwie nicht. Bei meinem Handy (Pixel 6 Pro) ist es doch auch so, dass alles super angezeigt wird und wenn man eben HDR Content schaut, dann sieht es eben noch besser aus. Warum also sieht Windows 11 mit HDR aktiviert dann so komisch aus?
I can’t understand myself.
Have a graphics card of AMD, nen HDR10 capable 4K screen, and also Windows 11. Play 95% of games with static auto-HDR (of convenience) even if dynamic HDR would look better.
But as soon as I change in SDR, the image looks normal, just as I know it from before my HDR screen.
What could be a lot more the case, I personally noticed. As soon as you have tasted HDR10 correctly, SDR has a lot of trouble compared. But this is more a subjective perception on my part, and probably has more to do with the changeover, similar to when you go from a dark room into daylight, the eye has to adapt a little.
Soberly, the image in SDR looks exactly as it should look. Have a beamer who unfortunately can’t have a HDR, because I always notice the effect. For a long time, but on the couch I don’t notice it anymore. Then you have this positive Aha effect again when you switch back to HDR directly on the monitor.
For me, the change to HDR10 was a real profit. No appreciable GPU load, but for this a qualitatively much more colourful image with larger differences between black and bright – especially in the case of sunrises and sunsets in games you notice it totally, or very contrasting scenes.
This is definitely nice to hear that others aren’t. Games with Auto HDR I could really imagine. I’m talking about the normal desktop operation. But it can also be that the OLED panel does not wear it and it somehow comes to strange colors at SDR contents
That’s possible. At least in my HW configuration, the effect does not seem to stop that the SDR image is really worse than ordinary SDR in non-HDR capable screens.
So even if I take HDR on my screen, it’s normal SDR. It’s a fool, but it’s normal, like it used to.