Windows 11 Problem bei Dieser PC?
Ich habe in Dieser PC eine Linie aus Versehen verschoben und zwar: Links werden doch die Ordner angegeben und dann die Laufwerke-da dazwischen ist ein Balken- der hat sich weiter nach rechts verschoben – den will ich wieder nach links bekommen d das jetzt mir das ganze Bild etwas verschiebt und verzerrt
Jemand ne Idee- ich weiss jetzt gerade leider nicht wie ich davon ein Bild machen kann
You should actually be able to go over the line between the areas. Then the mouse cursor should change. If you then press the left mouse button (while the cursor has changed accordingly), you can move the edge.
that is not what I have tried
What happens when you try? Doesn’t the cursor change? Or can’t you move the line?
Okay, so, according to the Internet there is no button to reset the view settings (which you want to reset).
Instead, you must delete a few entries in the registry.
Copy this to a text file and save it:
(Source: )
If you have saved the text file, right click on it and select “Rename”.
Then you change the ending from “.txt” to “.bat”.
Then you run the file using a double click.
Registery entries should be deleted. The Explorer should also be restarted. You may see that on your screen everything disappears and reappears (this is because the Explorer is also responsible for window management and many others).
If this doesn’t happen again, restart your PC.
Then all settings of the Explorer should be reset.
Oh, okay?
You have to go over with the mouse very carefully. But if it really isn’t possible, I can google if you can reset the settings for the file explorer to dne standard, in another answer something has already been mentioned in the direction.
there is no
Simply reset to “work setting”.
the whole PC? Not really, then I can replay windows completely
I meant This PC where the drives are displayed not the Internet explorer rather the drive explorer so this PC
Yeah, okay, sorry.
For the Explorer: