Windows 11 auf Pc?
Hallo, ich habe meinen PC zusammengebaut. Jetzt fehlt nur noch Windows 11. Ist das eine Software oder ein Betriebssystem? Ich habe auf YouTube recherchiert und herausgefunden, dass man Windows 11 kostenlos über USB installieren kann. Aber bei Google habe ich festgestellt, dass es Windows 11 zu Preisen von 10 bis 120€ gibt. Worin besteht der Unterschied?
Windows 11 is in the Homeas well as in Pro Version a commercial, paid operating system.
There are product keys at Mediamarkt as well as resellers like:
Windows 11 can be downloaded and installed free of charge to be able to use it legally, but the product key is required. Also, some settings in Windows cannot be done if it has not been activated.
Both as well, Windows 11 is an operating system and therefore software.
There are Windows 11 Home for “normal” users for free
Only the Enterprise versions, which are actually only intended for companies, are subject to costs. You can use Win 11 for free.
It’s an operating system. And an operating system is always a software.
Without Lizens, you can’t use Windows for more than a month. Microsoft doesn’t really make a bad thing if you’re out of time.
There are basically 3 types of Lizensen you can buy. The first and most cheapest are volume denses. They aren’t legal and it can happen to you that your Windows doesn’t start any longer.
The second are OEM licenses. These are licenses that were originally only allowed to be sold with a finished PC and are very cheap (usually 1.5 to 2 times the volume dents). Since the European Court said that this is not legal to sell an operating system only in combination with a PC, you can buy and use it completely legally in Europe.
The 120 Euro would be the purchase directly from Microsoft. The only advantage is that you can call Microsoft directly on Windows questions. There’s hardly anyone in Germany coming up with the idea that he could.
Hey, so Windows is a basic Microsoft operating system.
You can create a USB stick by using Ruffus, where you can use Windows ISO
win11 iso:
can make bootable. But you need an already functioning computer to create the USB stick.
Basically, this is then installed without license key, it must be seperat checked. Either original for $$$$$$ or you buy a volume key from various third parties. like Lizengo and Co.