Windows 11 23h2 neu installieren?
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit Windows 11 23h2 neu zu installieren?
Habe glaube noch einen Installationsstick mit einer älteren Version da. Könnte das klappen? Was müsste ich da beachten?
Gibt es andere möglichkeiten?
Viele Grüße und danke!!!
As far as I know, Windows 11 has the option to reinstall it. Otherwise press F8 several times when driving up.
What you need to note: 1. Backup files to USB stick or external hard drive 2. Set the Windows key
think that I install on a new pc windows
This is even easier: you put it in the PC and the rest goes almost automatically. What you need to note: 1. You need a Microsoft account. 2 You need a Windows key.
but no longer future-proof enough for new installation
xp is also a slightly different generation, the win 10 is currently safe enough.
well, if you go to the internet with xp, this is a considerable risk for example!
I just don’t want to install every update, but security updates don’t normally make any problems, so bad mircosoft isn’t again
and you can explain to me in technical terms why you need the next security update, so absolutely vital.
make quiet what you want but it’s not always important every update
now I’ve gotten used to 11 for a long time and also has 10 no longer long security updates
I would recommend you to reinstall win 10 instead of 11
can be good
win 10 is more stable.
I have Windows 10
How do you get on windows 10?
If you can. With Windows 10, some things seem different
because 24h2 has not just got a good call and it has made with my current device probleme
then played back to 23h2, had it installed before
You can pause updates But after a month at the latest, the updates of yourself
can you go down later?
Not that I know.
The only confusing thing on the setup is, on the question WIe you want to put in Windows” Choose as NOT “Update” but the lower “custom installation”
I can then leave or reject automatic updates to 24h2
if Windows 11 is on it. The updates automatically. PS: I forgot you need an Internet connection
the old stick?
I have before the NEW installation my comppl. Desktop as well as the own files or Data etc. on an external hard drive/SSD first secured.
Then I have Microsoft (Download Windows 11) download the current ISO file and copy it to a USB stick using RUFUS software (Creating installation USB stick with Rufus).
So that the PC then reboots, all partitions deleted using SETUP routine deleted and new (Install Windows 11 offline) installed.
I mean, how can I reinstall an older version
According to the same scheme, only you then need this version on a USB stick.
Download the Media Creation Tool, create a new boot stick and reinstall Windows