Will nicht zu Arzt?

Ich habe bulimie und sollte besser zu Arzt deswegen aber ich traue mich nicht. Wiege eigentlich normal also 54kg bei 165cm. Was soll ich machen? Ich übergebe mich nicht mehr aber ich komme von den Gedanken nicht weg.

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2 years ago

Now it’s important why you should be a doctor. Do you have health problems or do you generally want to help you and you get rid of the edgy thoughts or at least take them off?

If you’re physically good enough, you can also go to a consultancy for eating disorders, google by addresses. You can also be advised online, completely anonymously by chat or email. The inhibition threshold is lower. This is how I started and kept touching myself until I even went to the clinic and still do a therapy.

Or you’ll make an appointment in a speech lesson of a psychotherapist who can then assess your situation and advise you.

I know this first step is extremely heavy, I’ve also needed months, but the beginning is made it’s always better.

And therapists, consultants, doctors are professional, it’s their job to help others, and the handling of eating disturbed is nothing extraordinary for them.

I wish you all the best and much courage to take the first step.

2 years ago

Psycho tips against the problem can be found here, for example.

https://zeitzuleben.de/self-confidence and self-confidence-5-tipps/

2 years ago

you can also choose a pretty coffin at the Bestatter, because the trip ends without a doctor

2 years ago
Reply to  Skate23031

not to stop travellers