Will mich ChatGPT veralbern?

Dieses KI-Modell versichert mir ständig auf Nachfrage, dass es nichts speichert und sich deshalb nicht einmal an die Frage vorher erinnern kann, geht aber bei den Antworten gefragt oder ungefragt auf frühere Fragen und Antworten ein. Wenn ich dann auf den Widerspruch hinweise, streitet das Ding einfach ab, mehr zu wissen, oder entschuldigt sich wortreich.

Also werden doch die Fragen einer Sitzung zumindest gespeichert, bis die Sitzung beendet ist!

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1 year ago

I’ve had such a conversation before, ChatGPT saves information for a few messages, after that he forgets them, but if you expressly say that he should remember them, then he does. If the main topic is the information, then he keeps it forever in one conversation.

1 year ago

The model receives the old messages >> within a session aka. conversation < < <. It actually does not store anything and has no memory.

It only knows the input with the old messages and generates an output.

You can save old conversations and this is enabled by default. The model does not get this context. However, Openai has certain guidelines if you don’t switch off this storage function, then you can’t look at old conversations later.

That you’re trying to discuss with a language model, but how much you know about the technology :p

1 year ago
Reply to  WilliamDeWorde

That’s exactly what it is. You give your hint to a language model that only stores the input as a context. It learns absolutely nothing if you indicate it:D

Can talk so well with a wall

1 year ago

Yes..es does not store conversations externally. It only retains the context per conversation, but does not store it firmly. Otherwise everyone could ask for any conversation.

1 year ago

It’s fat and fat that the conversations are stored? This is why a new beginning is to be made for every topic

1 year ago
Reply to  Weizzo

There are also DeppGPT; the saves nothing 😀

1 year ago

ChatGPT does not store anything, but you do. Click on “Send”.

1 year ago
Reply to  WilliamDeWorde

On OpenAI servers.