Will ich nicht oder gebe ich mir keine mühe?

Man sagt, man kann alles schaffen wenn man will

Ich hab schon soviele Sachen probiert

Soviel gekämpft geweint depressiv geworden

Doch am Ende erreiche ixh einfach mein Ziel nicht

Irgendwann tut es weh weil man weiß man kommt nicht voran

Und alles was dir am Ende bleibt ist schmerz und enttäuschung

Man hat einfach keine Lust mehr es zu probieren

Also will ich nicht?

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1 year ago


So basically, you should stick to it no matter how bad you’re in something. It is only possible to improve with time, even 1% are sufficient per day.

What is important, however, is that you make every day aware of what you want to achieve and share the target small parts for every day. Not wanting everything at once is the best attitude.

1 year ago

Hey, yeah, that’s what they say. It always depends. You know, I could start studying math now, but I’m just so semi good. That I am most likely not going to do this is not because I don’t want it, but simply because it may not correspond to my being and does not fit me.

Perhaps this has not been the right thing for you so far and it would be better to take another direction.

All Love

1 year ago

You say you can do anything if you want

This is bullshit.

So I don’t want to?

Maybe you’re just setting out completely idiotic goals. Don’t be the first.

1 year ago

change your goals