Wildunfall mit Leitplanke schaden übernimmt die Vollkasko?

Hallo ich habe heute einen Unfall mit meinem PKW 40tsd € wert . Über die Fahrbahn auf einer Landstrasse ist eine Katze gesprungen da ich sie nicht treffen wollte habe ich gebremst und nach rechts gewischen und habe gleichzeitig die Leitplanke getroffen, ich denke mal der schaden ist um die 20tsd€. Wird der schaden von meinem auto von meiner Versicherung bezahlt (Vollkasko)? Das Auto würde ich gar nicht mehr reparieren lassen sondern so verkaufen wie er steht und mir selbe Fahrzeug Unfallfrei kaufen könnte man dies dann auch fiktiv abrechnen beim Selbstschuld. Oder würde die Versicherung das Auto für sich selbst behalten wollen?

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1 year ago

1. Did the police call that you should always do the health problem. 2. If this comes to the adage looking over a charitable, it is an economically total harm you can do the sale but if the ad is still meant to save it they also mean a wise that you have repaired

1 year ago
Reply to  Timii0

If you already know the term “Fictive Accounting”, you are already well advised from the insurance page or you know yourself well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Timii0

how much had the down which year of construction, the jeep of my vater has jumped 62,000 km down 45 k new price frontal crash drive + beifahre geplatze windshield and front huge damage was estimated at 20,000 and classified as economically total harm the car was sold the newly owned it probably repariet

1 year ago

Yes, however, if the scale costs 45k and the damage 20k why it should be estimated as total damage

If repurchase value is 45k and repurchase costs are 20k, then economic total damage occurs if residual value is above 25k and is to be calculated fictively.

1 year ago

Yeah, that pays the VK. She’ll call you a buyer for the broken car and take off the sales revenue from the repurchase value. The difference (relative to SB) will be paid to you. Of course, only if it is really an economic total damage. Otherwise, only the repair costs are replaced.

Next time, you better get the olle cat.

1 year ago

The risk of damage to your vehicle is covered by the contracted self-employment insurance. This then does not lead to a height scale of the VK.

The damage to the control panel is regulated by your KFZ liability.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerHans

The risk of damage to your vehicle shall be borne by the contracted self-employed person.

No, this is NO TK damage, because no contact with the animal occurred.

1 year ago
Reply to  grandy52

Sure, and the cat, of course, hasn’t seen anyone.

1 year ago

So first of all, no TK damage, or what should that say?

1 year ago

Then congratulations that you have come out of the car. That one reacts in such a situation more instinctively than thoughtfully is human. Normally, it means holding the steering wheel and continuing to drive. Bad for the cat, I’m a cat owner myself, but still better than if your family scratches you from the next tree.

Now to your question. A cat is not a wild animal. Ergo won’t jump in the sub-cass even if you had hit them and thereby have damage to the vehicle. The holder of the animal would have to be liable for your damage.

Whether your full cash pays, it’s only up to the insured conditions. I absolutely don’t want to do anything wrong with you, but the insurance will try to attach you gross negligence or even intent. Maybe you just didn’t have a bump on the car, and you put it in the guide. Everything is already there, and the insurance companies are just that, insurance companies that want to press before payment.

This is underlined by the fact that you may not have called a police force, because then a criminal procedure depends on you because of unauthorized leaving the accident site. You’ve damaged the control panel. What we would have to do with the detection problem, how the accident occurred, and how it was taken up by the police officers.

1 year ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

A cat is not a wild animal. Ergo won’t jump in the sub-cass even if you had hit them and thereby have damage to the vehicle.

This is an outdated rule, towards last millennium.