Wieviele Quadratmeter Wohnfläche besaß eine durchschnittliche Familie im Mittelalter und in der Antike?
Hallo allerseits. Wieviele Quadratmeter Wohnfläche besaß eine durchschnittliche Familie im Mittelalter und zuvor in der Antike? Ich spreche von freien Leuten z.B. Kaufleute, Handwerker, Bauern? Sind es oft mehr als 30-35 Quadratmeter gewesen?
The simple population of ancient Roman cities lived in so-called Insulae https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insula while the rich were able to afford some huge villas. Latifundia owners, for example, were large farmers who lived in large villas, also wholesalers usually lived in magnificent villas.
In the Middle Ages to early modern times the farmers lived in simple cats https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_(H%C3%BCtte) These were simple free-looking buildings with cramped space, but surely around a lot larger than 30-35 m3. You need to remember the subtle peasants lived not individually, but as a large family. My great-grandparents of fathers lived in such a cat around 1890. There was a large thief, and in the middle there was a smoke removal, because it was cooked with open fire and heated in winter. On the one hand, in the wall there were rivets with beds, where several children slept together in one bed. Only the parents had a single beggar for themselves. On the other hand there were separated areas for chickens and for the pig. The great-grandparents originally had 10 children, of which 7 were grown up and 5 married and founded their own families.
The houses of the craftsmen were a little bigger. There were separate living and bedroom and the bedrooms of parents and children were separated. There was a separate craftsmanship area, a separate kitchen and often a chicken stable.
merchants naturally lived in larger apartments. The apartments of the merchants (small dealers) were similar to those of the craftsmen, while the merchants of the Hanse could live in really large villas.
In general, it is difficult to answer your question specifically because the housing situation was very individual, as is still the case today. As confined as working-class families had to live at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the situation was, fortunately, not otherwise.
Very much more:
At that time there were no rent or land prices.
These concepts have been introduced by the state in order to be able to tax and co-deserve people in every area.
But if one wanted to live in a certain city or house, one had to pay to the owner for food and logistics.
But if you built a house on the land yourself, you didn’t have to pay land prices or something.
When the state introduced these tax collections, of course, this had caused severe resistance, especially in rural society. For the farmers did not see why they should pay rent to the state for their own house.
“There were no rent or land prices yet.”
At that time houses were provided for free. Must have been cool in that time.
It depends on who it was. But definitely all have lived much closer and together as today.
The “industrial” of a larger court had no privacy. You slept on the floor in the kitchen next to the stove because it was warm. Stand up and continued working.
Daylighters could, with luck, sleep in a barn or in a stable.
A farmer with a few pieces of cattle slept in a single room equal to the cattle. Once the animals brought heat, on the other hand, because they were immediately guarded against thieves or wolves etc.
Even in small or medium castles, animals were found below the living rooms. Also for the same reason as the farmers.
The “bigger” peasants looked like here in the Bronze Age House https://www.bronzezeithaus.de/index_4.htm the design of the courtyards has been maintained for many centuries. From clay were stones, from Reet clay bricks. But the rest was always the same until the 19th. Jesus!
Surely not!
The conditions were simple and cramped and the families were big!
30 m2 was the average end of the 80s in D. In the decades before it was significantly less! After the 2WK, a small family lived in the apartments of my parents and grandparents in JEDEM rooms. In the smallest one widow, in the two largest one pair with two children (by my father).
In London you can look at Bakerstreet 221b, the fictional apartment of Sherlock Holms, which it was at the end of the 19. Not yet. It is a single large room, about 25 m2, while the chamber of Dr. Watson is tiny under the roof.
For 1949, 9-11 square meters per person were determined.
Perhaps…but that was right after the war, where 50% of the buildings were destroyed and the apartment was large!
Interesting would therefore be the quotas of 1930/35/39, vllt 1960/65/70/75…
Iwann at the end of the 50s the forced quartering was terminated, but still in the 70s, millions of flats were built, not only in the east!
Um… the questioner asked about Middle Ages and Antiquity, not about the circumstances in the last century after the WKs….
These are approx. 1000 years difference;)
I didn’t answer the question, right. However, I didn’t really try to do this, but rather “justified” his idea!
He ‘estimates’ that it was 30-35 sq.m. per family, and I’m ‘leading’ that SELBST after the 2 WK, or for industrialization the conditions were more constrained than in his imagination!
I wrote this from the beginning and meant it. You don’t believe it…please!
That it only now understands and not GROẞ and Fat can distinguish some things about you. =;
With the fat-written “SELBST” you now implicitly implicitly in my perception that it must be even closer to it.
But the conditions in the Middle Ages (still a huge period) are quite different than in industrialization, modern times and WK time.
The living conditions around the WKs or the two centuries before, unfortunately, have zero significance regarding his question…
That’s right. The best example is the Märkische Quarter in Berlin.
Also in the west there are large residential settlements, with high-rise buildings made of concrete!
In the west there were no slabs, but stone blocks built on stone, usually not higher than 4 floors. We moved to such a new apartment in 1962 and that was progress for us. According to today’s standards, it was, of course, terrible.
Look in here, you’ll find some information on your question.
The large mass of the population lived largely in an IG space. Often even without windows. In rural areas, the cattle were even living under one roof.
Poor cattle.