Wieviel watt psu für eine 4 oder 8 GB Grafikkarte?
Ich habe halt derzeit eine GPU mit 2 GB dedizierter Speicher und das reicht mir nicht.
Ich habe halt derzeit eine GPU mit 2 GB dedizierter Speicher und das reicht mir nicht.
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The amount of video storage is irrelevant for power consumption.
Find out a graphics card you like and then look at the manufacturer’s website for which power supply is recommended.
This is the simplest method.
Thank you.
The required wattage for your PSU (network) depends on the entire system configuration, not only on the size of the VRAM of your graphics card. In general:
If you take into account your entire hardware (CPU, drives, additional components), you should choose a PSU that offers at least 20-30 % more power to stay stable even at load. A 750-Watt PSU would be a good choice for future upgrades.
Thank you… just where does that watt have my psu?
If only volts and amperes stand on it, just calculate. Usually stands on the PSU. Maybe the Watt value.
This can usually be seen on the label on which all information as well as manufacturer and model name are printed.
and only at the edge, because it appears in the above answer….
PSU=Power Supply Unit -> Power Supply Unit! Consequently, not “one”, but “one.”….
Your answer is in principle not wrong, but the middle part (i.e. with 4GB and 8GB) is better. It’s just bullshit what you know yourself. There are old, current-sucking graphics cards with 4GB and also modern 8GB cards with low power consumption. Both graphics cards accordingly place different requirements for a power supply. So you can’t flatter here.
How much memory the graphics card has no role.
Only and alone how much power (data in Watt) the graphics card needs is important.
If you want to go easy, you can use this power adapter: https://www.bequiet.com/en/psucalculator
Enter all your components and you will be charged an emptied power supply.
Does not matter, there are other factors
Tdp values of the map research un good is