Wieviel Vitamin D3+K2 pro tag?
bin selten an der Sonne.
soviel ist in einer Kapsel drinnen:
Wie oft pro woche sollte ich die einnehmen?
bin selten an der Sonne.
soviel ist in einer Kapsel drinnen:
Wie oft pro woche sollte ich die einnehmen?
Habe mir vor zwei Tagen bei der Arbeit durch eine Schraubzwinge eine Blutblase am Finger geholt. Dachte mir nichts, Pflaster rauf und fertig. Allerdings ist das Pflaster abgefallen, und eben ist die Blase geplatzt. Ich wohne noch nicht lange alleine, habe weder verband, noch Pflaster oder sonstiges zur Hand. Habe Angst vor einer schweren Entzündung….
Das hab ich glaub ich mal irgendwo gehört, stimmt das?
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Clozapin ist das letzte Mittel bei therapieressitenter Schizophrenie. Ich habe jetzt 3 Neuroleptika in einem Zeitraum von 2 Jahren genommen. Abilify: Hat am besten gewirkt , jedoch nicht ausreichend, selbst bei hoher Dosis. Reagila: Hat nicht viel gemacht. Olanzapin: Wirkt gefühlt garnicht. Ich nehme schon 20mg Olanzapin und spüre davon keinen Effekt. Maximaldosis sind 30mg…
oder braucht der Körper mehr fett
You have already received a very competent answer from @DaLiLeoMishu, which I can fully support.
(except the fact that most doctors, unfortunately, do not know the subject at all.) You’ll have to be lucky, and you’ll have to explain the preliminary. Or find a specialized medical practitioner on Orthomolecular. Moreover, their therapies with vitamin D3 are still more limited by the cash registers of year to year.
As regards vitamin K :
So the question is whether you have a test or not.
If you haven’t taken D3 to this day and were rarely on the sun in the summer, then it’s likely that you are, unless you would eat every day kilos of rollmobs and eggs.
The preparation that you have there I would personally take as a conservation dose all year round, except I would have done 70% undressed on the sun at noon in the summer without sun protection .
Thank you.
Vitamin D is moderately dosed with 140 mcg = 5600 IE (international units) and useful for maintenance therapy. If you have a vitamin D deficiency, then it is too little to fill the memory.
Vitamin K2 is very high dosed with 200mcg. The daily dose is 25mcg.
If you are little/less in the sun, could possibly have a vitamin D deficiency, then I would suggest you buy 2 supplements so that you are flexible – at least for vitamin D.
Basically, it is appropriate to talk to a doctor and to test you for a possible deficiency and to adjust the dosage in a targeted manner.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
What happens if I take too much of this K2? I already have the D3+K2 capsules here…
I totally read the question!
Maximum 1xday.
Doctors prescribe to parts of vitamin D deficiency the Dekristol 25,000 IE and say 1x a week. dekristol 25000 ie
I myself have some time (please don’t go after, only in consultation with a family doctor!) 25,000 IE vitamin D taken a day.
Look: I don’t think a manufacturer can sell such harmful overdoses (at least my hope). As long as you stay with a capsule, I think – but I’m not a doctor – be okay.
You’d rather buy two single preparations.
That’s what I did, I had to pay the blood count myself, but it was worth it. Must take 20,000 vitamin d a week until the memory is refilled.
Greeting Arabella
The blood count doesn’t cost too much, does it? I like to do this test (you can also get in some pharmacies) https://www.cerascreen.de/products/vitamin-d-test?srsltid=AfmBOoqXJoDspHbxWvHAo0IU_CTevWL25zFoB6tuMlMkV2ExmxuGQu3C
Dosages of from 100 to 200 micrograms are frequently present in a combination product from D3 & K2. This has proven to improve the absorption of vitamin D in the body. It’s not too much.
Please and report, I’d be dressed. I had to pay the drug myself, so I ordered it at the pharmacy.
Beautiful day still 😁
Thank you for your tips.
The test is almost as expensive as the doctor and it is taken from the arm vein, which is more accurate.
In case of a large deficiency, the doctor could also give you syringes to compensate for the deficiency
No, I paid 25 euros, was amazed even though I went out every day I had a shortage.
Become a blood picture in three months, to control
Greeting Arabella
Hello NeedForSpeed22, 👋
Please ask your doctor. If you are
have found lack, he can give you
the crowd.
LG 🙋🏻
1000 – 2000 iE Vitamin D. Vitamin K does not have to be.
I take 5000 units of vitamin d3 and 200k2 daily
first you should know your value by taking blood.
How much microgram
are 200 units k2?
Units… You have to convert