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Wie viele Jahre arbeitest du schon im Vertrieb?
und was ist deine wichtigste Erkenntnis?
State: Bremen
Professional/current position: Software Developer PL/SQL, PHP/JS, Something Java (Android), C, Database Design, DBA Activities and Project Management
Education: Fachabi and IT training
Personal responsibility: No
Gross wage per year: 40,3k incl. the readiness to call just under 55,7 (variable according to customer base)
Gross wage per month: ~3.360 Euro, 4.640 Euro incl. readiness
Working week: contract 40 hours, real 50 hours
Age: 36
Gender: m
Professional experience: 11 years
Holidays: 30 days
Company size: 15 MA
Activities (tasks/tasks)
In addition, user support, training, some setup and configuration (MDE devices, wearables, server services ala Webserver, DB etc. pp.) and many other small stuff.
Makes total at tax class 1 without church then ~2.920 euros net a month.
Depending on the result, overtime, illness, etc., there is an annual bonus, which in the past was at best 2.5 basic salaries.
And well, school, training, work stop.
~5.500€ gross/month
Senior Cloud Engineer
Through certificates, good work and art of conviction. I’m only 25, so it’s not a normal thing, especially since I only had two years of professional experience before.
Studying or training?
I did an education at the time as a system integrator, then became a software developer by application to the profession and then became a senior cloud engineer.
I’ve been a pensioner for fifteen years.
I don’t get a statutory pension. I have provided privately (was self-employed) and can live quite comfortably from the proceeds without attacking the substance of my savings. I will not tell you the exact amount of my income; my income level only knows my credit institution, my tax advisor and the tax office.
I made it through a lot of hard work (sixty to one hundred hours a week) and extreme savings.
How did I do that?
By self-initative and constant stay on the ball.
Only by that I had a steep career to the procurist.
More than enough,
Specialist informatics (programmers)
I made it to the place because I could and wanted.
3k brutto as an unskilled help force in the warehouse.
0€, unemployed, by laziness.
I earned very well, worked as a bank merchant and later as a commercial real estate dealer.
Why are you closing on others? There are also people who are not jammed.
This has nothing to do with jammed, but with private information. No one goes to my income and is done! There’s a sign hanging around my neck with my last account extract…….
A similar question existed a few days ago
Why not?
Because it is. Internet is anonymous. I can write that I earn 1,000,000 in the year, but if that’s true?
So if you don’t give me a clever answer for all questions, you can leave your answer the same as where is the point that you are now complaining that you don’t give your “private” information.
Who, please. I don’t give it any further and point!!
That’s exactly the point it doesn’t interest anyone if you give an answer to a question that is not targeted.
That’s why you shouldn’t write anything because it doesn’t get you and me.
And who cares if I write it?
Yeah then just don’t answer the question who cares you don’t give it up?
Ah okay, let’s be good….. 😂
I did, you seem not.
Please read my text again and understand it.
It is also the case with many here, as the whole is anonymous and you can specify everything. That’s what you read about the questions you asked.
Anyone who has a different opinion should also be able to accept the opinion of others.
I don’t have a fare, I’m retired.
Your “private” Depending on the profession, you can even view information publicly according to the collective agreement. If you don’t want to say it, don’t write an answer. On the other hand, the account withdrawal is actually more private, as all expenditure and expenses are recorded there. Convenient comparison.
Whether there was a question similar to a few days ago does not matter at all.
That doesn’t suggest that you understand that someone says the truth… x)
How did I write that? But honesty on the Internet has limits.
And that’s why everyone lies?