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If luck does not come after two to three pieces, either the chocolate shit (Milka & consorts are not chocolate, there are the worst fat-sugar plates…) or you should also visit a psychologist.
As much as you want, but you shouldn’t eat as much as that becomes a evil
all different I say ^
If you only see happiness in chocolate until it blows…. 🙈🤣
Am allergic to chocolate 😢
I still eat them 😈
I hope I die fast
Chocolate doesn’t make me happy…
waaas? whyyy?
I think I have lactose intolerance
oooh, achso…
No one at all. The short-term bliss hormones do not weigh up the frust due to weight gain.
A psychologist can advise you and a portal
You don’t need to be happy! This goes without \./
In dimensions, not in masses!
No one.
There’s no chocolate….she’s just fat.