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11 months ago

This is also very important for university examination. Do you have a pattern that you can orient yourself? Always the same questions? How compact is the topic? How quickly do you understand abstract content?

Personally, I have learned for the driving licence in total perhaps 5 hours (if at all), for the last university claw, on the other hand, around 50 and the results were massively different (0 errors in the driving licence and 3.7 in the university).

11 months ago

Hard to compare: the knowledge of driving licence testing is fully known, documented, brought in standardized, uniform form. What’s in the lawbook?

What the professor wants to know in a exam is not so clear. He can have his special stick horses. He can ask what has been treated in exercises, but also demand transfer services beyond. Even basic lectures differ greatly from Professor to Professor. Freedom of teaching.