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2 years ago

In year-round outdoors (volume) at least 4 guinea pigs, minimum area per animal 2 m2. Since I can calculate only cubic meters of volume with your masses, I lack basics.

Please refer to art-friendly exterior:

2 years ago

I wouldn’t hold more than 4 animals. Max also go 5, but at 4 you have more space per animal, which is better for the Meeris. The more space the better. To keep to the minimum and to irritate each cm you should avoid in animal husbandry.

2 years ago

Basically 2m^2 for 2 animals. The better. At 6m2 it is enough for 4-5 animals. But I would say more for 4 because 2m^2 are the minimum. More info can be found here:

2 years ago

Purely theoretically, you could keep up to 6 animals in there if you get out of 1qm per animal. And that would be the absolute minimum per animal. More space per animal always goes

If the whole thing is now in the outside, you would have to keep at least four animals in the enclosure, because under four animals there is no external attitude at all.

2 years ago

It applies at least to rabbits 2m^2 per animal. guinea pigs need less movement so vllt 3-4

2 years ago
Reply to  wobblestone

In rabbits, 2m^2 are far too little.

2 years ago
Reply to  NoLies

There are also 1-2 hours daily.

2 years ago
Reply to  wobblestone

In the case of two rabbits, the minimum size is 6m2 and the lasting and without discharge. Discontinued does not replace a kind-friendly enclosure.

2 years ago

ridiculously, they need 3 m2 per animal permanently, but also they do not meet these movement-loving animals. The animals are still kept so far from their needs, sad

2 years ago

Discontinued does not replace a suitable enclosure.

2 years ago

This is far from enough. 6m2 is the absolute minimum for rabbits and these must be available permanently. 1-2h run-out is absolutely ridiculous and not art-friendly if the animal otherwise only has 2m^2. Please read: housing/#Artjuste_ Housing